Among the games released by CAPCOM in the past few years, Exoprimal is definitely among the most unique, bringing an intense PvEvP experience filled with hordes of dinosaurs to exterminate powered by some interesting mechanics that set the game apart from similar multiplayer games.
If you have just gotten stranded on Bikitoa Island and want to make the best out of the first few hours of Exoprimal, you have crash-landed in the right place. Here are six tips that will make the game more enjoyable for you.
Find the best Exosuit for You...
Exoprimal features ten different Exosuits divided into three different roles. Assault Exosuits are specialized in offense, coming with abilities that allow you to deal massive damage to dinosaurs and opponents; Tank Exosuits specialize in protecting their allies by drawing the enemies' attention and absorbing damage; Support Exosuits come with a variety of abilities that help the rest of team by repairing damage and buffing their abilities. These definitions, however, are somewhat broad, and Exosuits belonging to the same group can play very differently. Assault Exosuits Deadeye and Zephyr, for example, focus on long-range and short-range combat, while Roadblock, Krieger, and Murasame protect the team in very different ways. As such, once you have picked the style that suits you best, you should try out all the Exosuits belonging to it to find the one that best suits your playstyle.
...But Don't Get Stuck on It!
While Exoprimal features a lot of different mission types, after playing tens of games, the game's novelty will eventually start to wear off. For this reason, you really shouldn't stick to a single role for the entirety of your time with the game, as changing things up not only makes the game more fun but could lead you and your team to discover new or uncommon strategies and team compositions that can be as effective as some more common ones.
Don't Be Afraid To Switch Things Up During Games

Learning how to play multiple Exosuits is not only somewhat of a requirement to keep Exoprimal from becoming boring fast, but it's something that will make you a more valuable team member. Unlike other similar games, Exoprimal allows you to change Exosuits at any time during a game with little to no wait, and this is a feature that you should take full advantage of. Depending on the mission, or the current situation, some team compositions may be more effective than others, so you should be prepared to change Exosuit on the fly and be competent at multiple ones if you're aiming to become a good Exoprimal player.
Don't Rush Off
In team-based multiplayer games, going at it alone is never a good idea, and the same applies to Exoprimal. No Exosuit, no matter how effective it feels, can survive any dinosaur horde without the help of others. Unless you have very good reason to break away from your team, such as in Uplink Control if you want to bring your attention to an uplink under attack, you should never leave your team behind. You will be defeated quickly, leaving your teammates to deal with dinosaurs and opponents with one player fewer for a short amount of time, which can make quite a difference during some intense situations.
Use Dominators at the Right Time
Exoprimal features different Rigs that grant Exosuits a variety of different offensive and defensive options, but among them, there's a special one called Dominator which is rather unique, as it allows the user to control a dinosaur directly for a short period of time. The Leviathan AI will inform you when a Dominator was issued during games, so make sure to get a hold of it as quickly as you can to use it when needed. As for when to use it, however, it entirely depends on how the game. If you're at a massive disadvantage, you will want to use it as soon as you obtain it. If your team is winning, however, it may be better to hold onto it and use it towards the end of the game to secure your victory more quickly.
Play How You Want
In Dino Survival, you can pick either PvP, PvE, or Random for the Final Mission of each game. Choice doesn't affect story progression at all, so pick the mode that suits you the best without having to worry about getting locked out from any sort of content. If you're liking the unique experience offered by Exoprimal, however, I suggest you pick random, as some of the PvP final missions can get intense and extremely fun, especially if you are part of a competent team that knows what it's doing. If you want to level up quickly, however, you will want to pick the Random option, as it gives you an Experience Points bonus.
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