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Apple Might Launch Its Own Smart Home Camera As It Focuses On Providing A More Integrated Product Experience For Its Users

Apple is increasingly focusing on building its own devices and expanding its ecosystem by taking steps towards a more native experience for users and relying less on third-party accessories. While the Cupertino-based tech giant's HomePod and AppleTV have left quite the mark in the smart home category, it generally relies more on outsourcing cameras and other hardware for smart homes. Now, a new report suggests that the company intends to create a fully integrated experience by developing its own smart home accessories. Gurman hints about Apple working on making smart home products like security cameras for a more integrated experience […]

Best of Black Friday 2024 – power stations and bundles: Anker SOLIX, Bluetti, EcoFlow, Jackery

We’re continuing our Best of Black Friday posts today with a look at the best current deals on power stations and their respective bundle options. Folks across the country and beyond have been steadily investing more and more in the industry for a vari...

World Of Warcraft Is Finally Getting Player Homes After 20 Years

Blizzard has announced that two decades after its release, World of Warcraft is finally going to let players build a home and live in it. The feature has long been requested by WoW players and now it’s finally coming in the game’s next expansion.Read m...

ArenaNet To Release ‘Godspawn’ Update for Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds on November 19, Featuring New 50-Player Titan Battle and More

Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds will receive the Godspawn update, adding a new 50-player boss battle, a new 10-player raid, and a legendary spear. Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds is getting the first major update "Godspawn" on November 19th, expanding the story with new story chapters The MMORPG Guild Wars 2 by ArenaNet is receiving its first major update for the Janthir Wilds expansion soon. It's the first of three major updates, and it'll land on November 19. The update will add new content to the game for the players. The Janthir Wilds expansion DLC was released in August this year, […]

Geekom Mini IT12 “Intel Core i7-12650H” Mini PC Review: Strong & Compact Productivity Performance

The Mini PC market is being flooded with new solutions every month and while everyone wants the latest specs, sourcing out those chips is becoming hard for manufacturers of these Mini PCs so the companies are now leveraging the available hardware and offering unique products to consumers. We have seen with the AMD Ryzen APUs where the supply of the newer 7000/8000 APUs is so low that Mini PC makers still reuse the older Ryzen 5000/6000 APUs. Geekom has decided to select the Intel 12th Gen Alder Lake option for its more business-tuned Mini IT12 Mini PC, which comes in […]

Get GEEKOM Mini IT12 With 12th Gen Intel i7-12650H NUC12 At An Unbeatable Price of $516 With Our Discount Code

Note: Users with adblockers will not be able to see our deals links (adblockers remove them along with their corresponding text). Please disable them to avail the deals. If you're on the hunt for a compact yet powerful Mini PC that can handle your computing needs with finesse, you're in luck. The GEEKOM Mini IT12, powered by the 12th Gen Intel Core i7-12650H processor, is here to steal the show in this blockbuster offering. With its impressive specs and unbeatable price, this is a deal you won't want to miss. Discount codes and how to unlock deal in US/UK/Amazon at […]

Geekom Teases Next-Gen Mini PCs With Intel Core Ultra “Meteor Lake” & AMD Ryzen 8040 “Hawk Point” CPUs

Geekom has teased its 2024 Mini PCs lineup which will be powered by Intel's Core Ultra "Meteor Lake" & AMD's Ryzen 8040 "Hawk Point" CPUs. Next-Gen AMD & Intel CPUs To Be Integrated By Geekom In Its 2024 Mini PCs Lineup, Core Ultra & Ryzen 8040 For Increased GPU & AI Capabilities We have tested various Mini PCs from Geekom throughout the last few years. The company has an outstanding variety of products to select from. The company has designs ranging from commercial PCs to gaming, HTPCs, and SFF designs. There's something for everyone and next year, we will see […]

GEEKOM Cyber Week Exclusive: Mini IT11 With 32 GB RAM/1TB SSD For $449 [MSRP: $849] Using Our Discount Code

Warning: You will be unable to see the deals links if you are using an Adblocker as they remove the link (and the text) from our articles. Welcome to our exclusive Cyber Week feature, where we delve deep into the exceptional GEEKOM Mini IT11 11th Gen Intel Core i7. For our tech-savvy readers, this isn't just another mini PC; it's a powerhouse packed in a compact size, redefining what small-form-factor computers can do. And with a stunning deal available only for a limited time, you're in for a treat that combines high-end performance with unbeatable value. Grab the Deal: GEEKOM […]

Exclusive Black Friday Deal: $122 OFF Geekom A5 With Ryzen 5800H (Was $449), Valid Till November 15

Note: Adblockers will prevent you from seeing deal links. As the holiday season approaches, tech-savvy individuals and bargain hunters are gearing up for the biggest shopping event of the year. Black Friday is right around the corner, and we have an exclusive early deal (while inventory lasts) that you won't want to miss. Meet the Geekom A5 Mini PC, a powerhouse of computing excellence that's currently available at a jaw-dropping price. This deal is so hot, it's sizzling, but you'll have to act fast because it's only valid until November 15. We've got all the details on how you can […]

Geekom A5 “AMD Ryzen 7 5800H” Mini PC Review: Budget Performance, Budget Price

We have tested several Mini PCs this year and almost the entirety have been based around AMD Ryzen CPUs which are the most popular choice amongst Mini PC manufacturers. The latest Ryzen 7000 and Ryzen 6000 APUs offer great performance in small designs ...

Geekom Unveils The World’s First & Fastest 4×4 NUC PC Featuring Intel’s Core i9-13900H CPU

Geekom has introduced the world's first and fastest 4x4 NUC Mini PC featuring an Intel Core i9-13900H CPU with 14 cores. Geekom Intends to Dominate the NUC Market Through its […]

Written by Muhammad Zuhair

Tag: geekom

Geekom Mini IT12 “Intel Core i7-12650H” Mini PC Review: Strong & Compact Productivity Performance

The Mini PC market is being flooded with new solutions every month and while everyone wants the latest specs, sourcing out those chips is becoming hard for manufacturers of these Mini PCs so the companies are now leveraging the available hardware and offering unique products to consumers. We have seen with the AMD Ryzen APUs where the supply of the newer 7000/8000 APUs is so low that Mini PC makers still reuse the older Ryzen 5000/6000 APUs. Geekom has decided to select the Intel 12th Gen Alder Lake option for its more business-tuned Mini IT12 Mini PC, which comes in […]

Get GEEKOM Mini IT12 With 12th Gen Intel i7-12650H NUC12 At An Unbeatable Price of $516 With Our Discount Code

Note: Users with adblockers will not be able to see our deals links (adblockers remove them along with their corresponding text). Please disable them to avail the deals. If you're on the hunt for a compact yet powerful Mini PC that can handle your computing needs with finesse, you're in luck. The GEEKOM Mini IT12, powered by the 12th Gen Intel Core i7-12650H processor, is here to steal the show in this blockbuster offering. With its impressive specs and unbeatable price, this is a deal you won't want to miss. Discount codes and how to unlock deal in US/UK/Amazon at […]

Geekom Teases Next-Gen Mini PCs With Intel Core Ultra “Meteor Lake” & AMD Ryzen 8040 “Hawk Point” CPUs

Geekom has teased its 2024 Mini PCs lineup which will be powered by Intel's Core Ultra "Meteor Lake" & AMD's Ryzen 8040 "Hawk Point" CPUs. Next-Gen AMD & Intel CPUs To Be Integrated By Geekom In Its 2024 Mini PCs Lineup, Core Ultra & Ryzen 8040 For Increased GPU & AI Capabilities We have tested various Mini PCs from Geekom throughout the last few years. The company has an outstanding variety of products to select from. The company has designs ranging from commercial PCs to gaming, HTPCs, and SFF designs. There's something for everyone and next year, we will see […]

GEEKOM Cyber Week Exclusive: Mini IT11 With 32 GB RAM/1TB SSD For $449 [MSRP: $849] Using Our Discount Code

Warning: You will be unable to see the deals links if you are using an Adblocker as they remove the link (and the text) from our articles. Welcome to our exclusive Cyber Week feature, where we delve deep into the exceptional GEEKOM Mini IT11 11th Gen Intel Core i7. For our tech-savvy readers, this isn't just another mini PC; it's a powerhouse packed in a compact size, redefining what small-form-factor computers can do. And with a stunning deal available only for a limited time, you're in for a treat that combines high-end performance with unbeatable value. Grab the Deal: GEEKOM […]

Exclusive Black Friday Deal: $122 OFF Geekom A5 With Ryzen 5800H (Was $449), Valid Till November 15

Note: Adblockers will prevent you from seeing deal links. As the holiday season approaches, tech-savvy individuals and bargain hunters are gearing up for the biggest shopping event of the year. Black Friday is right around the corner, and we have an exclusive early deal (while inventory lasts) that you won't want to miss. Meet the Geekom A5 Mini PC, a powerhouse of computing excellence that's currently available at a jaw-dropping price. This deal is so hot, it's sizzling, but you'll have to act fast because it's only valid until November 15. We've got all the details on how you can […]

Geekom A5 “AMD Ryzen 7 5800H” Mini PC Review: Budget Performance, Budget Price

We have tested several Mini PCs this year and almost the entirety have been based around AMD Ryzen CPUs which are the most popular choice amongst Mini PC manufacturers. The latest Ryzen 7000 and Ryzen 6000 APUs offer great performance in small designs ...

Geekom Unveils The World’s First & Fastest 4×4 NUC PC Featuring Intel’s Core i9-13900H CPU

Geekom has introduced the world's first and fastest 4x4 NUC Mini PC featuring an Intel Core i9-13900H CPU with 14 cores. Geekom Intends to Dominate the NUC Market Through its […]

Written by Muhammad Zuhair

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