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Apple Might Launch Its Own Smart Home Camera As It Focuses On Providing A More Integrated Product Experience For Its Users

Apple is increasingly focusing on building its own devices and expanding its ecosystem by taking steps towards a more native experience for users and relying less on third-party accessories. While the Cupertino-based tech giant's HomePod and AppleTV have left quite the mark in the smart home category, it generally relies more on outsourcing cameras and other hardware for smart homes. Now, a new report suggests that the company intends to create a fully integrated experience by developing its own smart home accessories. Gurman hints about Apple working on making smart home products like security cameras for a more integrated experience […]

Best of Black Friday 2024 – power stations and bundles: Anker SOLIX, Bluetti, EcoFlow, Jackery

We’re continuing our Best of Black Friday posts today with a look at the best current deals on power stations and their respective bundle options. Folks across the country and beyond have been steadily investing more and more in the industry for a vari...

World Of Warcraft Is Finally Getting Player Homes After 20 Years

Blizzard has announced that two decades after its release, World of Warcraft is finally going to let players build a home and live in it. The feature has long been requested by WoW players and now it’s finally coming in the game’s next expansion.Read m...

ArenaNet To Release ‘Godspawn’ Update for Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds on November 19, Featuring New 50-Player Titan Battle and More

Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds will receive the Godspawn update, adding a new 50-player boss battle, a new 10-player raid, and a legendary spear. Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds is getting the first major update "Godspawn" on November 19th, expanding the story with new story chapters The MMORPG Guild Wars 2 by ArenaNet is receiving its first major update for the Janthir Wilds expansion soon. It's the first of three major updates, and it'll land on November 19. The update will add new content to the game for the players. The Janthir Wilds expansion DLC was released in August this year, […]

Apple Announces New iPhone Trade-In Promotion For A Limited Time Period, Where Buyers Can Get Up To $650 In Credit

If you want to trade-in an older iPhone or smartphone to get any one of Apple’s latest and greatest iPhone 15 models, the company has introduced a limited-time promotion by boosting the credit values. Starting today and ending on June 3, you can trade-in an old iPhone 11 or newer at the Apple Store, obtain extra credits, which can then be used to become the owner of a new brand new model at a significant discount. If you check the company’s trade-in promotion details, potential buyers can acquire up to $650 in credit, but that is if they have an […]

Apple Possibly In Violation Of Privacy As iOS 17.5 And iPadOS 17.5 Show Deleted Photos On Devices Users Have Sold To Strangers

iOS 17.5 houses a bug that has been plaguing iPhone users and it appears that there is more to the story than originally expected. The update brought its fair share of issues with it, as users have been complaining of a bug that is making deleted photos reappear in photo libraries. However, it appears that the situation is more serious than originally anticipated as users who have sold their devices to strangers are also impacted, and it is a huge violation of privacy on Apple's part. Apple is under scrutiny after its iOS 17.5 update caused old deleted photos to […]

The Guys Behind iPhone’s Hit Nintendo Emulator Hope It Jumpstarts iTunes For ROMs

Riley Testut was about to hop on a rollercoaster in Copenhagen, Denmark when he got the news that Apple would finally be letting a retro emulator he’d been working on for 10 years onto its App Store. It was aboard The Demon in Tivoli Gardens, at 50 mil...

Download: Apple Has Finally Released iOS 17.5 For The iPhone [Changelog]

iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 updates are finally here and all users can download it right now. The latest update comes almost a week after the company seeded the release of candidate builds of the platforms to developers. The company has also seeded release notes for the update, detailing everything that has changed. iPhone and iPad users can now download and install iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 updates iOS 17.5 is a solid update over iOS 17.4.1 as it brings various improvements to certain aspects of the operating system. It is also possibly the last major update ahead of iOS […]

You Can Now Play PS1 Games on Your iPhone Thanks to the Gamma Emulator

Emulation has been getting a lot of traction, especially on Apple devices. After the Delta emulator took a great start, we are seeing more and more emulators appear on both iPhones and iPads. The latest to join the list happens to be the Gamma emulator that will allow you to play various PlayStation games on your iPhone and iPad as the emulator is now available to download from the App Store. Gamma emulator for iPad and iPhone is packed with features Now, in terms of the overall functionality, the Gamma emulator works a lot like other game emulators on the […]

Apple And OpenAI Potentially Struck A Deal To Bring ChatGPT Features To Siri and iOS 18

Apple is heavily invested in bringing generative AI technology to its line of products. It was previously reported that the company talked with OpenAI, Google, and China's Baidu for the integration of their AI utilities into its platforms. It is now being reported that the company has reached an agreement with OpenAI to bring ChatGPT features to Siri and iOS 18. Apple and OpenAI finalizing a potential agreement to bring ChatGPT features to Siri iOS 18 will be the biggest update the iPhone has ever received and the reason is Apple's big jump in AI. The company is exploring various […]

iOS 18’s AI Features For The iPhone Will Be Powered by Apple’s Custom Silicon-Equipped Data Centers After All

iOS 18 update will be the biggest for the iPhone, as the company is planning to incorporate a handful of AI utilities into the mix. We are also expecting the company to introduce various visual design changes to the mix. It was previously heard that Apple is developing its own AI servers, which will use the company's M4 and M2 Ultra chips. It is now being speculated that Apple will use its AI-focused servers to power AI features that will be part of its iOS 18 update. Apple will use its AI servers to power iOS 18's forthcoming AI features […]

How to Use Circle to Search on iPhone

I have discussed time and again how Circle to Search is the best feature on Android, and I cannot wait for it to become widely available on other devices, as well. Google even went as far as mocking Apple for not having the feature on iPhones, but what if I tell you that there's a trick that will let you enable similar functionality without having to go through a lot of hoops? If you have been thinking about how to use Circle to Search on iPhone, then this tutorial is for you as we are going to guide you on […]

Apple’s Q2 2024 earnings reveal a drop in iPhone, iPad sales

Services growth looked rosy as Apple's hardware revenue in China slowed.

Apple releases eight small AI language models aimed at on-device use

OpenELM mirrors efforts by Microsoft to make useful small AI language models that run locally.

iPhone Activation Percentage Drops To Lowest In Years, New Report Suggests That Buyers Are Waiting Longer To Upgrade Due To Increased Prices, Other Factors

Apple’s iPhone market share for the number of activations in the U.S. has dropped drastically, with new data revealing that the figure used to hover around an unrivaled 40 percent. Now, it has dropped to 33 percent, making it the lowest number in years. While weak iPhone demand could be the culprit, the report highlights other reasons why activations are dropping, which we will discuss here. Improved durability of iPhones is another reason why consumers are taking significantly longer to upgrade Data for the past four quarters was provided by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP), showing that iPhone activations are […]

Tag: iPhone

Apple Announces New iPhone Trade-In Promotion For A Limited Time Period, Where Buyers Can Get Up To $650 In Credit

If you want to trade-in an older iPhone or smartphone to get any one of Apple’s latest and greatest iPhone 15 models, the company has introduced a limited-time promotion by boosting the credit values. Starting today and ending on June 3, you can trade-in an old iPhone 11 or newer at the Apple Store, obtain extra credits, which can then be used to become the owner of a new brand new model at a significant discount. If you check the company’s trade-in promotion details, potential buyers can acquire up to $650 in credit, but that is if they have an […]

Apple Possibly In Violation Of Privacy As iOS 17.5 And iPadOS 17.5 Show Deleted Photos On Devices Users Have Sold To Strangers

iOS 17.5 houses a bug that has been plaguing iPhone users and it appears that there is more to the story than originally expected. The update brought its fair share of issues with it, as users have been complaining of a bug that is making deleted photos reappear in photo libraries. However, it appears that the situation is more serious than originally anticipated as users who have sold their devices to strangers are also impacted, and it is a huge violation of privacy on Apple's part. Apple is under scrutiny after its iOS 17.5 update caused old deleted photos to […]

The Guys Behind iPhone’s Hit Nintendo Emulator Hope It Jumpstarts iTunes For ROMs

Riley Testut was about to hop on a rollercoaster in Copenhagen, Denmark when he got the news that Apple would finally be letting a retro emulator he’d been working on for 10 years onto its App Store. It was aboard The Demon in Tivoli Gardens, at 50 mil...

Download: Apple Has Finally Released iOS 17.5 For The iPhone [Changelog]

iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 updates are finally here and all users can download it right now. The latest update comes almost a week after the company seeded the release of candidate builds of the platforms to developers. The company has also seeded release notes for the update, detailing everything that has changed. iPhone and iPad users can now download and install iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 updates iOS 17.5 is a solid update over iOS 17.4.1 as it brings various improvements to certain aspects of the operating system. It is also possibly the last major update ahead of iOS […]

You Can Now Play PS1 Games on Your iPhone Thanks to the Gamma Emulator

Emulation has been getting a lot of traction, especially on Apple devices. After the Delta emulator took a great start, we are seeing more and more emulators appear on both iPhones and iPads. The latest to join the list happens to be the Gamma emulator that will allow you to play various PlayStation games on your iPhone and iPad as the emulator is now available to download from the App Store. Gamma emulator for iPad and iPhone is packed with features Now, in terms of the overall functionality, the Gamma emulator works a lot like other game emulators on the […]

Apple And OpenAI Potentially Struck A Deal To Bring ChatGPT Features To Siri and iOS 18

Apple is heavily invested in bringing generative AI technology to its line of products. It was previously reported that the company talked with OpenAI, Google, and China's Baidu for the integration of their AI utilities into its platforms. It is now being reported that the company has reached an agreement with OpenAI to bring ChatGPT features to Siri and iOS 18. Apple and OpenAI finalizing a potential agreement to bring ChatGPT features to Siri iOS 18 will be the biggest update the iPhone has ever received and the reason is Apple's big jump in AI. The company is exploring various […]

iOS 18’s AI Features For The iPhone Will Be Powered by Apple’s Custom Silicon-Equipped Data Centers After All

iOS 18 update will be the biggest for the iPhone, as the company is planning to incorporate a handful of AI utilities into the mix. We are also expecting the company to introduce various visual design changes to the mix. It was previously heard that Apple is developing its own AI servers, which will use the company's M4 and M2 Ultra chips. It is now being speculated that Apple will use its AI-focused servers to power AI features that will be part of its iOS 18 update. Apple will use its AI servers to power iOS 18's forthcoming AI features […]

How to Use Circle to Search on iPhone

I have discussed time and again how Circle to Search is the best feature on Android, and I cannot wait for it to become widely available on other devices, as well. Google even went as far as mocking Apple for not having the feature on iPhones, but what if I tell you that there's a trick that will let you enable similar functionality without having to go through a lot of hoops? If you have been thinking about how to use Circle to Search on iPhone, then this tutorial is for you as we are going to guide you on […]

Apple’s Q2 2024 earnings reveal a drop in iPhone, iPad sales

Services growth looked rosy as Apple's hardware revenue in China slowed.

The iPhone’s next AAA game, Assassin’s Creed Mirage, gets a release date

The game launched on consoles and PC months ago.

Apple releases eight small AI language models aimed at on-device use

OpenELM mirrors efforts by Microsoft to make useful small AI language models that run locally.

iPhone Activation Percentage Drops To Lowest In Years, New Report Suggests That Buyers Are Waiting Longer To Upgrade Due To Increased Prices, Other Factors

Apple’s iPhone market share for the number of activations in the U.S. has dropped drastically, with new data revealing that the figure used to hover around an unrivaled 40 percent. Now, it has dropped to 33 percent, making it the lowest number in years. While weak iPhone demand could be the culprit, the report highlights other reasons why activations are dropping, which we will discuss here. Improved durability of iPhones is another reason why consumers are taking significantly longer to upgrade Data for the past four quarters was provided by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP), showing that iPhone activations are […]

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