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Apple is increasingly focusing on building its own devices and expanding its ecosystem by taking steps towards a more native experience for users and relying less on third-party accessories. While the Cupertino-based tech giant's HomePod and AppleTV have left quite the mark in the smart home category, it generally relies more on outsourcing cameras and other hardware for smart homes. Now, a new report suggests that the company intends to create a fully integrated experience by developing its own smart home accessories. Gurman hints about Apple working on making smart home products like security cameras for a more integrated experience […]

Best of Black Friday 2024 – power stations and bundles: Anker SOLIX, Bluetti, EcoFlow, Jackery

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World Of Warcraft Is Finally Getting Player Homes After 20 Years

Blizzard has announced that two decades after its release, World of Warcraft is finally going to let players build a home and live in it. The feature has long been requested by WoW players and now it’s finally coming in the game’s next expansion.Read m...

ArenaNet To Release ‘Godspawn’ Update for Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds on November 19, Featuring New 50-Player Titan Battle and More

Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds will receive the Godspawn update, adding a new 50-player boss battle, a new 10-player raid, and a legendary spear. Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds is getting the first major update "Godspawn" on November 19th, expanding the story with new story chapters The MMORPG Guild Wars 2 by ArenaNet is receiving its first major update for the Janthir Wilds expansion soon. It's the first of three major updates, and it'll land on November 19. The update will add new content to the game for the players. The Janthir Wilds expansion DLC was released in August this year, […]

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Tops Entire Rest of Series, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Loses Steam in March

The former NPD Group (now named “Circana”) has released its full North American sales data for March, and it seems like it was an up-and-down month for the industry. Players spent $4.9 billion on games, additional content, and hardware in March, up 4 percent year-on-year. This increase came from mobile and software spending, as hardware sales were down 31 percent year-on-year with PS5 #1 in terms of unit and dollar sales, Switch #2 in terms of unit sales, and Xbox Series X/S #2 in terms of dollar sales. In terms of software, Capcom’s Dragon’s Dogma 2 was the big winner […]

Rise of the Ronin Review – Neo Edo Open World

Rise of the Ronin struggles to find its identity in ways that hinder what would otherwise be one of Team Ninja's finest works. A compelling story told against the backdrop of the 1850s Bakumatsu Period is instead overshadowed by a vapid and uninspired open-world setting and a narrative that rarely feels like the player has agency.

Rise of the Ronin – Is There a New Game+ or Any Post-Game Unlockables?

Rise of the Ronin is the latest joint from Team Ninja, and while it’s a large, challenging game, some might be wondering – what happens after I roll credits? Is there a New Game+ I can tackle? Are there are post-game features and content I can unlock? Don’t worry, we’re here to take some of the mystery out of Rise of the Ronin’s endgame… Note: The following article doesn’t touch on any Rise of the Ronin plot details, some may still consider talk of its postgame SPOILER territory. Is there a New Game+ mode? No, there isn’t. Rather than start […]

Rise of the Ronin – Are there Multiple Endings and How do You Unlock Them?

Rise of the Ronin is the latest joint from Team Ninja, and unlike some of their past efforts, the game is surprisingly story-heavy. There are also a number of moments when you’ll be presented with important decisions to make, which begs the question – are their multiple endings? And how does one unlock them all? Scroll on down for the full lowdown on how RotR's story works… Note: The following article contains SPOILERS for Rise of the Ronin. Are there multiple endings in Rise of the Ronin? The answer is yes, but not as many as you might think. While […]

Rise of the Ronin – Combat Tips for Slicing Up the Samurai Competition

Rise of the Ronin is the latest joint from Team Ninja, and like most of their games, challenging combat built around a number of unique systems is core to the game. Being successful in combat in Rise of the Ronin requires mastery of parries, stances, Ki, and more, which can be a bit mind boggling at first. But don’t worry too much as we have some tips that will have you slicing off heads in no time… Keep an eye on you and your opponent’s Ki They key to Rise of Ronin’s combat is, well, Ki. Both you and your […]

Dragon’s Dogma 2, Rise of the Ronin, and More Exciting Games Coming Out in March

Keeping track of all the latest video games coming out is an increasingly complex task, what with multiple PC storefronts, Xbox One, PS4, Switch, mobile, and more to keep track of, but don’t worry, I’m here to help. Every month I'll be running down the games you need to be keeping an eye on, from the big triple-A headliners, to the intriguing indies you might overlook. February was a packed month, and the crush isn’t really letting up in March. Players can look forward to a number of heavy hitters and exclusives including the much-anticipated Dragon’s Dogma 2, Rise of […]

Rise of the Ronin New Trailer Focuses on Combat

A new Rise of the Ronin trailer was shared today, focusing on the game's combat mechanics. The new Combat Vignette trailer, which can be watched below, showcases different weapon types, such as katana, spear, and bayonet, different fighting styles, ranged weapons, and the grappling hook, which will have plenty of uses other than traversing the game's open world. The Team NINJA DNA is evident in this new trailer, so hopefully, Rise of the Ronin will have the same combat depth as other games from the studio, such as the Nioh series and Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin. Unlike the […]

Rise of the Ronin to Feature PvE Co-Op Multiplayer, Character Creator, and Difficulty Selection

Despite being less than a month away from release, Rise of the Ronin developer Team NINJA still had to clarify whether a few key features would be included in the upcoming game. They just did so by adding a FAQ section to the game's product page on the PlayStation Store website. To begin with, Rise of the Ronin offers cooperative (PvE) multiplayer for up to four players. There is, however, no PvP combat. This is a change from previous Team Ninja games, such as the Nioh franchise and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, where multiplayer was supported for up to three […]

Rise of the Ronin Is the Culmination of Team NINJA’s Action Prowess; Companions Could Even Turn Against You

Team NINJA is back today with another Rise of the Ronin Behind The Scenes (BTS) video. The Japanese developer said the action system featured in their open world game is the culmination of their previous titles, which include the likes of Ninja Gaiden, Nioh, and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, to name a few. Action remains at the core of Rise of the Ronin. It is the culmination of our previous work on action games as Team NINJA. Team NINJA's action is known for its high speed and difficulty, we feel it's part of the player's expectations. Looking at the Bakumatsu […]

Rise of the Ronin Is Team NINJA’s Biggest and Most Ambitious Project to Date; Devs Show Off Cities & Mechanics

Team NINJA, one of the most acclaimed action game studios thanks to its portfolio of franchises like Ninja Gaiden, Nioh, Dead or Alive, and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty (not to mention the spinoff Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin), is readying its release of Rise of the Ronin. This PlayStation 5 exclusive open world game is, in the words of the studio itself, their biggest and most ambitious project to date. To unveil more ahead of the March 22 launch date, Team NINJA has shared a new developer diary. This is the first open world game made by the development […]

Rise of the Ronin New Gameplay Overview Provides Look at Open-World Traversal, Combat

New Rise of the Ronin gameplay footage was shown during yesterday's State of Play, providing a new look at some of the game's features and mechanics. The new Gameplay Overview, which can be watched in full below, provides a new look at open-world traversal and combat mechanics, which look like an evolution of the combat systems seen in recent games by Team Ninja like the Nioh series and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. The new footage also showcases how choices will impact the story, as players will be able to decide which NPCs to side with. More information on the game's […]

Sony Confirms Big State of Play for this Week; 15 Games to be Covered Over 40-Minute+ Show

Rumors emerged earlier this past weekend, and now Sony itself has confirmed it – a new PlayStation State of Play showcase will be coming our way this week. It sounds like this will be a big one, as Sony is promising to deliver a 40-minute-plus show (most State of Plays are more in the 15-to-20-minute range) covering 15 games. In their announcement, Sony singles out Rise of the Ronin and Stellar Blade as two games that they’re specifically focusing on. Get ready for a new State of Play! https://t.co/KDyuY2Uvfq Tune in on YouTube, Twitch, or TikTok this Wednesday at 2pm […]

Tag: Rise of the Ronin

Vampire Survivors draws tons of inspiration from Castlevania, so it is no surprise that the new Ode To Castlevania DLC is fantastic. I’m here to guide you through unlocking each Hero and evolving each weapon, because that’s how you’ll end up accessing ...
I started playing Overwatch in 2019. By the time I was pushing payloads and getting Play of the Game with a well-placed Tactical Visor, a lot of the old hero kits and team compositions that were infamous when the hero shooter launched in 2016 were more...

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Tops Entire Rest of Series, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Loses Steam in March

The former NPD Group (now named “Circana”) has released its full North American sales data for March, and it seems like it was an up-and-down month for the industry. Players spent $4.9 billion on games, additional content, and hardware in March, up 4 percent year-on-year. This increase came from mobile and software spending, as hardware sales were down 31 percent year-on-year with PS5 #1 in terms of unit and dollar sales, Switch #2 in terms of unit sales, and Xbox Series X/S #2 in terms of dollar sales. In terms of software, Capcom’s Dragon’s Dogma 2 was the big winner […]

Rise of the Ronin Review – Neo Edo Open World

Rise of the Ronin struggles to find its identity in ways that hinder what would otherwise be one of Team Ninja's finest works. A compelling story told against the backdrop of the 1850s Bakumatsu Period is instead overshadowed by a vapid and uninspired open-world setting and a narrative that rarely feels like the player has agency.

Rise of the Ronin – Is There a New Game+ or Any Post-Game Unlockables?

Rise of the Ronin is the latest joint from Team Ninja, and while it’s a large, challenging game, some might be wondering – what happens after I roll credits? Is there a New Game+ I can tackle? Are there are post-game features and content I can unlock? Don’t worry, we’re here to take some of the mystery out of Rise of the Ronin’s endgame… Note: The following article doesn’t touch on any Rise of the Ronin plot details, some may still consider talk of its postgame SPOILER territory. Is there a New Game+ mode? No, there isn’t. Rather than start […]

Rise of the Ronin – Are there Multiple Endings and How do You Unlock Them?

Rise of the Ronin is the latest joint from Team Ninja, and unlike some of their past efforts, the game is surprisingly story-heavy. There are also a number of moments when you’ll be presented with important decisions to make, which begs the question – are their multiple endings? And how does one unlock them all? Scroll on down for the full lowdown on how RotR's story works… Note: The following article contains SPOILERS for Rise of the Ronin. Are there multiple endings in Rise of the Ronin? The answer is yes, but not as many as you might think. While […]

Rise of the Ronin – Combat Tips for Slicing Up the Samurai Competition

Rise of the Ronin is the latest joint from Team Ninja, and like most of their games, challenging combat built around a number of unique systems is core to the game. Being successful in combat in Rise of the Ronin requires mastery of parries, stances, Ki, and more, which can be a bit mind boggling at first. But don’t worry too much as we have some tips that will have you slicing off heads in no time… Keep an eye on you and your opponent’s Ki They key to Rise of Ronin’s combat is, well, Ki. Both you and your […]

Dragon’s Dogma 2, Rise of the Ronin, and More Exciting Games Coming Out in March

Keeping track of all the latest video games coming out is an increasingly complex task, what with multiple PC storefronts, Xbox One, PS4, Switch, mobile, and more to keep track of, but don’t worry, I’m here to help. Every month I'll be running down the games you need to be keeping an eye on, from the big triple-A headliners, to the intriguing indies you might overlook. February was a packed month, and the crush isn’t really letting up in March. Players can look forward to a number of heavy hitters and exclusives including the much-anticipated Dragon’s Dogma 2, Rise of […]

Rise of the Ronin New Trailer Focuses on Combat

A new Rise of the Ronin trailer was shared today, focusing on the game's combat mechanics. The new Combat Vignette trailer, which can be watched below, showcases different weapon types, such as katana, spear, and bayonet, different fighting styles, ranged weapons, and the grappling hook, which will have plenty of uses other than traversing the game's open world. The Team NINJA DNA is evident in this new trailer, so hopefully, Rise of the Ronin will have the same combat depth as other games from the studio, such as the Nioh series and Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin. Unlike the […]

Rise of the Ronin to Feature PvE Co-Op Multiplayer, Character Creator, and Difficulty Selection

Despite being less than a month away from release, Rise of the Ronin developer Team NINJA still had to clarify whether a few key features would be included in the upcoming game. They just did so by adding a FAQ section to the game's product page on the PlayStation Store website. To begin with, Rise of the Ronin offers cooperative (PvE) multiplayer for up to four players. There is, however, no PvP combat. This is a change from previous Team Ninja games, such as the Nioh franchise and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, where multiplayer was supported for up to three […]

Rise of the Ronin Is the Culmination of Team NINJA’s Action Prowess; Companions Could Even Turn Against You

Team NINJA is back today with another Rise of the Ronin Behind The Scenes (BTS) video. The Japanese developer said the action system featured in their open world game is the culmination of their previous titles, which include the likes of Ninja Gaiden, Nioh, and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, to name a few. Action remains at the core of Rise of the Ronin. It is the culmination of our previous work on action games as Team NINJA. Team NINJA's action is known for its high speed and difficulty, we feel it's part of the player's expectations. Looking at the Bakumatsu […]

Rise of the Ronin Is Team NINJA’s Biggest and Most Ambitious Project to Date; Devs Show Off Cities & Mechanics

Team NINJA, one of the most acclaimed action game studios thanks to its portfolio of franchises like Ninja Gaiden, Nioh, Dead or Alive, and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty (not to mention the spinoff Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin), is readying its release of Rise of the Ronin. This PlayStation 5 exclusive open world game is, in the words of the studio itself, their biggest and most ambitious project to date. To unveil more ahead of the March 22 launch date, Team NINJA has shared a new developer diary. This is the first open world game made by the development […]

Rise of the Ronin New Gameplay Overview Provides Look at Open-World Traversal, Combat

New Rise of the Ronin gameplay footage was shown during yesterday's State of Play, providing a new look at some of the game's features and mechanics. The new Gameplay Overview, which can be watched in full below, provides a new look at open-world traversal and combat mechanics, which look like an evolution of the combat systems seen in recent games by Team Ninja like the Nioh series and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. The new footage also showcases how choices will impact the story, as players will be able to decide which NPCs to side with. More information on the game's […]

Sony Confirms Big State of Play for this Week; 15 Games to be Covered Over 40-Minute+ Show

Rumors emerged earlier this past weekend, and now Sony itself has confirmed it – a new PlayStation State of Play showcase will be coming our way this week. It sounds like this will be a big one, as Sony is promising to deliver a 40-minute-plus show (most State of Plays are more in the 15-to-20-minute range) covering 15 games. In their announcement, Sony singles out Rise of the Ronin and Stellar Blade as two games that they’re specifically focusing on. Get ready for a new State of Play! https://t.co/KDyuY2Uvfq Tune in on YouTube, Twitch, or TikTok this Wednesday at 2pm […]

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