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Apple Might Launch Its Own Smart Home Camera As It Focuses On Providing A More Integrated Product Experience For Its Users

Apple is increasingly focusing on building its own devices and expanding its ecosystem by taking steps towards a more native experience for users and relying less on third-party accessories. While the Cupertino-based tech giant's HomePod and AppleTV have left quite the mark in the smart home category, it generally relies more on outsourcing cameras and other hardware for smart homes. Now, a new report suggests that the company intends to create a fully integrated experience by developing its own smart home accessories. Gurman hints about Apple working on making smart home products like security cameras for a more integrated experience […]

Best of Black Friday 2024 – power stations and bundles: Anker SOLIX, Bluetti, EcoFlow, Jackery

We’re continuing our Best of Black Friday posts today with a look at the best current deals on power stations and their respective bundle options. Folks across the country and beyond have been steadily investing more and more in the industry for a vari...

World Of Warcraft Is Finally Getting Player Homes After 20 Years

Blizzard has announced that two decades after its release, World of Warcraft is finally going to let players build a home and live in it. The feature has long been requested by WoW players and now it’s finally coming in the game’s next expansion.Read m...

ArenaNet To Release ‘Godspawn’ Update for Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds on November 19, Featuring New 50-Player Titan Battle and More

Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds will receive the Godspawn update, adding a new 50-player boss battle, a new 10-player raid, and a legendary spear. Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds is getting the first major update "Godspawn" on November 19th, expanding the story with new story chapters The MMORPG Guild Wars 2 by ArenaNet is receiving its first major update for the Janthir Wilds expansion soon. It's the first of three major updates, and it'll land on November 19. The update will add new content to the game for the players. The Janthir Wilds expansion DLC was released in August this year, […]

Apple Execs Explain Why The Company Finally Decided To Bring The Calculator App To The iPad, Processes Behind Math Notes, More

With the release of iPadOS 18, Apple made sure that users get what they have been wanting for years - a Calculator app for the iPad. However, Apple just did not want to offer a standard standalone calculator app, as it wanted it to be the best app in its category on any device, and from what we have seen, the company has definitely achieved its gaol. Apple executives sat down for an interview at which the company went deep with the Math Notes and Smart Scripts in iPadOS 18, detailing what went behind the scenes to create the technology. […]

Apple Has Released iOS 17.6 and iPadOS 17.6 Beta 4 To Developers

A day after Apple released the first beta of iOS 18 to the public, it released beta 4 of iOS 17.6 and iPadOS 17.6 to developers, who can test on their compatible iPhone models. The latest beta comes with a slew of changes for iPhone users, improving stability and offering enhanced under-the-hood improvements. Apple releases iOS 17.6 beta 4 a day after seeding iOS 18 public beta for iPhone If you are a developer, iOS 17.6 and iPadOS 17.6 can be downloaded on compatible iPhone and iPad models through the Settings app, but there are some prerequisites that you have […]

Download: Apple Releases Public Beta 1 Of watchOS 11, macOS Sequoia, And tvOS 11 For Compatible Devices

Apple released the first beta of its upcoming watchOS 11, macOS Sequoia, and tvOS 18 updates to the public a week after the company released the third developer beta, with new updates and additions. You have the option to download and install the latest build right now on your compatible Apple Watch and Apple TV devices. Apple has released the first public beta of watchOS 11, macOS Sequoia, and tvOS 18 for all compatible devices watchOS 11 is a major update as it will bring some of Apple's AI features to the wearable, and other than that, the company has […]

iOS 18 Public Beta Released For All iPhone Models – Download Now

Apple has finally seen fit to release the first public beta of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 for the iPhone, which comes a week after the company seeded the third beta to developers. Like many users, if you have been waiting to download and install the public beta of iOS 18 on your handset, you can do so through the Settings app on your iPhone. Public beta testers will finally be able to test Apple's latest software which comes with a boatload of bells and whistles, including AI features. The first public beta of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 is […]

Multiple Reports Suggest Apple Lags Behind The Global Smartphone Market, But Apple Intelligence Could Turn The Tables Next Quarter

Based on two recent estimates by IDC and Counterpoint Research, Apple appears to be lagging in the smartphone market, but the trend could see an uptick in the next quarter. While the global smartphone market grew by 6 percent in the second quarter, Apple saw the same level of performance year-over-year. While the dual reports are consistent in their estimates, both boast a different approach. Apple lagging behind worldwide smartphone shipments, but the next quarter could change the results According to the research conducted by IDC, global smartphone sales increased by 6.5 percent, which means that the market sold over […]

Apple Could Release The First Public Beta Of iOS 18 Tomorrow For The iPhone

Apple released the first beta of iOS 18 to developers soon after its developer event last month, which was packed with a handful of new features the company announced at the WWDC event. Up until now, the company has seeded three developer betas, each more stable than its predecessor, and we expect the company to release the fourth beta next week. Many users are waiting for the public beta's release for its stability, but the company has not shared a word about when it will be available. If past trends are to be observed, we believe that Apple could release […]

Download: Apple Releases watchOS 11, visionOS 2, and tvOS 18 Beta 3 To Developers

After two weeks of silence, Apple released the third beta of watchOS 11, tvOS 18, and visionOS 2 to developers so they could test out the new features and report bugs and issues. The company will release the aforementioned updates later this year, and the beta builds are Apple's way of making sure that there are no major issues and that the build is stable enough for installation. Apple has released visionOS 2, watchOS 11, and tvOS 18 beta 3 to developers for testing The latest beta builds also bring new features and changes to the mix, so the latest […]

“Immensely disappointing”: Nike killing app for $350 self-tying sneakers 

Without updates or ability to download after August, app will become useless.

Download: Apple Releases iOS 18 And iPadOS 18 Beta 3 To Developers For Testing

Almost two weeks after the second beta was released to developers, Apple has finally decided to seed the third beta of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 for all iPhone and iPad models. If you are a developer, you can download and install the latest builds on your compatible devices right now, but you would have to link your Apple ID to your Developer Account to proceed. iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 beta 3 released to developers for testing As mentioned, developers who are registered with Apple's Developer Program can download the latest iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 beta 3 on […]

iOS 18 Release Will Not Include New Siri Features With Apple Intelligence, You Will Have To Wait Until Spring Of Next Year

At its WWDC 2024 event, Apple finally unveiled its AI features, which the company has been working on for quite a while. Apple's implementation of AI utilities is quite different from the competition and almost seems unreal, which is why it will arrive later than expected. Siri received its fair share of improvements as well, and it seems that Apple will roll out the new experience in the first quarter of next year with an iOS 18 update. Apple to release the full Siri experience with Apple Intelligence next year in Spring Mark Gurman states in the latest Power On […]

GoDeal’s Summer Offer Drops the Microsoft Office 2021 Pro to Just $28.75 (Bigger Discounts on Bundles)

With 30% of the worldwide office programming portion of the overall industry, Microsoft Office is one of the world's driving office suites and, by a wide margin, the most well-known paid item. However, it’s hard for many small business owners to justify the expense despite the considerable power of Microsoft’s suite of tools. At Godeal24, though, you can save a lot of time and money with discounted Microsoft licenses. For a limited time, you can lock in a lifetime license of Microsoft Office Professional 2021 for Windows for just $28.75 (reg.$439.99) or Office 2019 Home and Business for Mac  (reg. […]

Google Initially Blocked Apple Users From Getting AI Features In Safari To Persuade Them To Make a Switch, But Failed To Make an Impact

Google is quite far ahead in the Search industry, and it has been introducing new features every now and then to keep users from slipping away to the competition. Most recently, the company introduced AI Overviews in Search, which have been controversial given the hallucinating results it had to endure. It has been shared in a new report that Google initially blocked Apple users from getting the AI Overviews feature as it wanted users to make a switch from Safari to Chrome or other browsers. Google wanted Safari users to feel left out of its AI Overviews feature but ultimately […]

Tag: Software

Apple Execs Explain Why The Company Finally Decided To Bring The Calculator App To The iPad, Processes Behind Math Notes, More

With the release of iPadOS 18, Apple made sure that users get what they have been wanting for years - a Calculator app for the iPad. However, Apple just did not want to offer a standard standalone calculator app, as it wanted it to be the best app in its category on any device, and from what we have seen, the company has definitely achieved its gaol. Apple executives sat down for an interview at which the company went deep with the Math Notes and Smart Scripts in iPadOS 18, detailing what went behind the scenes to create the technology. […]

Apple Has Released iOS 17.6 and iPadOS 17.6 Beta 4 To Developers

A day after Apple released the first beta of iOS 18 to the public, it released beta 4 of iOS 17.6 and iPadOS 17.6 to developers, who can test on their compatible iPhone models. The latest beta comes with a slew of changes for iPhone users, improving stability and offering enhanced under-the-hood improvements. Apple releases iOS 17.6 beta 4 a day after seeding iOS 18 public beta for iPhone If you are a developer, iOS 17.6 and iPadOS 17.6 can be downloaded on compatible iPhone and iPad models through the Settings app, but there are some prerequisites that you have […]

Download: Apple Releases Public Beta 1 Of watchOS 11, macOS Sequoia, And tvOS 11 For Compatible Devices

Apple released the first beta of its upcoming watchOS 11, macOS Sequoia, and tvOS 18 updates to the public a week after the company released the third developer beta, with new updates and additions. You have the option to download and install the latest build right now on your compatible Apple Watch and Apple TV devices. Apple has released the first public beta of watchOS 11, macOS Sequoia, and tvOS 18 for all compatible devices watchOS 11 is a major update as it will bring some of Apple's AI features to the wearable, and other than that, the company has […]

iOS 18 Public Beta Released For All iPhone Models – Download Now

Apple has finally seen fit to release the first public beta of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 for the iPhone, which comes a week after the company seeded the third beta to developers. Like many users, if you have been waiting to download and install the public beta of iOS 18 on your handset, you can do so through the Settings app on your iPhone. Public beta testers will finally be able to test Apple's latest software which comes with a boatload of bells and whistles, including AI features. The first public beta of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 is […]

Multiple Reports Suggest Apple Lags Behind The Global Smartphone Market, But Apple Intelligence Could Turn The Tables Next Quarter

Based on two recent estimates by IDC and Counterpoint Research, Apple appears to be lagging in the smartphone market, but the trend could see an uptick in the next quarter. While the global smartphone market grew by 6 percent in the second quarter, Apple saw the same level of performance year-over-year. While the dual reports are consistent in their estimates, both boast a different approach. Apple lagging behind worldwide smartphone shipments, but the next quarter could change the results According to the research conducted by IDC, global smartphone sales increased by 6.5 percent, which means that the market sold over […]

Apple Could Release The First Public Beta Of iOS 18 Tomorrow For The iPhone

Apple released the first beta of iOS 18 to developers soon after its developer event last month, which was packed with a handful of new features the company announced at the WWDC event. Up until now, the company has seeded three developer betas, each more stable than its predecessor, and we expect the company to release the fourth beta next week. Many users are waiting for the public beta's release for its stability, but the company has not shared a word about when it will be available. If past trends are to be observed, we believe that Apple could release […]

Download: Apple Releases watchOS 11, visionOS 2, and tvOS 18 Beta 3 To Developers

After two weeks of silence, Apple released the third beta of watchOS 11, tvOS 18, and visionOS 2 to developers so they could test out the new features and report bugs and issues. The company will release the aforementioned updates later this year, and the beta builds are Apple's way of making sure that there are no major issues and that the build is stable enough for installation. Apple has released visionOS 2, watchOS 11, and tvOS 18 beta 3 to developers for testing The latest beta builds also bring new features and changes to the mix, so the latest […]

“Immensely disappointing”: Nike killing app for $350 self-tying sneakers 

Without updates or ability to download after August, app will become useless.

Download: Apple Releases iOS 18 And iPadOS 18 Beta 3 To Developers For Testing

Almost two weeks after the second beta was released to developers, Apple has finally decided to seed the third beta of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 for all iPhone and iPad models. If you are a developer, you can download and install the latest builds on your compatible devices right now, but you would have to link your Apple ID to your Developer Account to proceed. iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 beta 3 released to developers for testing As mentioned, developers who are registered with Apple's Developer Program can download the latest iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 beta 3 on […]

iOS 18 Release Will Not Include New Siri Features With Apple Intelligence, You Will Have To Wait Until Spring Of Next Year

At its WWDC 2024 event, Apple finally unveiled its AI features, which the company has been working on for quite a while. Apple's implementation of AI utilities is quite different from the competition and almost seems unreal, which is why it will arrive later than expected. Siri received its fair share of improvements as well, and it seems that Apple will roll out the new experience in the first quarter of next year with an iOS 18 update. Apple to release the full Siri experience with Apple Intelligence next year in Spring Mark Gurman states in the latest Power On […]

GoDeal’s Summer Offer Drops the Microsoft Office 2021 Pro to Just $28.75 (Bigger Discounts on Bundles)

With 30% of the worldwide office programming portion of the overall industry, Microsoft Office is one of the world's driving office suites and, by a wide margin, the most well-known paid item. However, it’s hard for many small business owners to justify the expense despite the considerable power of Microsoft’s suite of tools. At Godeal24, though, you can save a lot of time and money with discounted Microsoft licenses. For a limited time, you can lock in a lifetime license of Microsoft Office Professional 2021 for Windows for just $28.75 (reg.$439.99) or Office 2019 Home and Business for Mac  (reg. […]

Google Initially Blocked Apple Users From Getting AI Features In Safari To Persuade Them To Make a Switch, But Failed To Make an Impact

Google is quite far ahead in the Search industry, and it has been introducing new features every now and then to keep users from slipping away to the competition. Most recently, the company introduced AI Overviews in Search, which have been controversial given the hallucinating results it had to endure. It has been shared in a new report that Google initially blocked Apple users from getting the AI Overviews feature as it wanted users to make a switch from Safari to Chrome or other browsers. Google wanted Safari users to feel left out of its AI Overviews feature but ultimately […]

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