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Apple Might Launch Its Own Smart Home Camera As It Focuses On Providing A More Integrated Product Experience For Its Users

Apple is increasingly focusing on building its own devices and expanding its ecosystem by taking steps towards a more native experience for users and relying less on third-party accessories. While the Cupertino-based tech giant's HomePod and AppleTV have left quite the mark in the smart home category, it generally relies more on outsourcing cameras and other hardware for smart homes. Now, a new report suggests that the company intends to create a fully integrated experience by developing its own smart home accessories. Gurman hints about Apple working on making smart home products like security cameras for a more integrated experience […]

Best of Black Friday 2024 – power stations and bundles: Anker SOLIX, Bluetti, EcoFlow, Jackery

We’re continuing our Best of Black Friday posts today with a look at the best current deals on power stations and their respective bundle options. Folks across the country and beyond have been steadily investing more and more in the industry for a vari...

World Of Warcraft Is Finally Getting Player Homes After 20 Years

Blizzard has announced that two decades after its release, World of Warcraft is finally going to let players build a home and live in it. The feature has long been requested by WoW players and now it’s finally coming in the game’s next expansion.Read m...

ArenaNet To Release ‘Godspawn’ Update for Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds on November 19, Featuring New 50-Player Titan Battle and More

Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds will receive the Godspawn update, adding a new 50-player boss battle, a new 10-player raid, and a legendary spear. Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds is getting the first major update "Godspawn" on November 19th, expanding the story with new story chapters The MMORPG Guild Wars 2 by ArenaNet is receiving its first major update for the Janthir Wilds expansion soon. It's the first of three major updates, and it'll land on November 19. The update will add new content to the game for the players. The Janthir Wilds expansion DLC was released in August this year, […]

How to Fix iOS 18 Stuck On ‘Preparing Update’ Error on iPhone

Apple recently released the new iOS 18 update for all compatible iPhone models with a bunch of new features and major AI enhancements. The company has also released developer betas, which are a must-try for the company's new Apple Intelligence features. However, if you are encountering a 'Preparing Update' update error and the screen is stuck, we might have a fix for your iPhone, here's how to do it. Here's how to fix the iOS 18 installation issue that is stuck on the 'preparing update' screen on your iPhone Every year after Apple releases an update for the iPhone, the […]

How to Download And Install iOS 18 Developer Beta On Your iPhone

Apple has finally released iOS 18 to developers for testing purposes, and to be fair, Apple's event has given us a lot more than what was detailed in the leaks. This means that developers will have a lot to try out in the latest beta builds. If you are a developer, this is what you have to do to download and install the latest beta builds of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 on your iPhone and iPad. Apple has released beta 1 of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 to developers If you are planning to download and install the latest […]

visionOS 2 Beta Released To Developers For The Apple Vision Pro – Download

Apple has finally released visionOS 2 beta for developers, which will include new AI features and deeper interaction between apps across different platforms. Apple launched the Vision Pro earlier this year after announcing the device at the same time last year at the WWDC event. However, visionOS 1, although stable, lacked a few features that will be available with the latest release. If you are a developer, visionOS 2 beta can be downloaded and installed on Apple Vision Pro for free. Apple releases visionOS 2 developer beta for its Vision Pro headset As mentioned, Apple has released the first developer […]

Apple Releases watchOS 11 Beta To Developers – Download Now

Apple just got done with its WWDC event, and it has now released the latest watchOS 11 beta build to developers so they can test it and report bugs and issues back to Apple. The latest update comes packed with a plethora of changes tied to the new generative AI features the company has been working on for years, and it is now finally available as a beta. Since Siri is one of the most prominent upgrades this year, users can finally get the most out of their Apple Watch. The virtual assistant can not only provide detailed information but […]

Download: Apple Has Released tvOS 18 Beta To Developers For Testing Purposes

Apple announced a handful of new AI features at its WWDC 2024 event and while most of the features were oriented towards iOS 18 and macOS 15, the company made sure that tvOS 18 is not left behind. Now, the company has released its first developer beta of tvOS 18, which comes with a handful of changes that are oriented toward Apple TV. The latest beta is only available to developers for now, and we can expect a public beta in July, which will be a more stable build compared to the current version. Apple has released tvOS 18 beta […]

Download: Apple Releases macOS 15 Beta To Developers With Deeper AI Integration, Enhanced Siri, More

Apple has finally released its big macOS 15 beta update for developers with the latest AI integration and new features. Developers can download and install the latest beta build from the Settings app on their compatible Macs. If you are a developer, you can download and install the latest beta build right now for free and try out the Apple Intelligence features. Apple released macOS 15 for developers with AI features and its deeper integration within apps Apple just got done with its WWDC 2024 event, and while most AI-centric announcements were made for iOS 18, macOS 15 received its […]

Apple Finally Unveils Its Advanced Generative Personal AI ‘Apple Intelligence’ For iPhone, iPad, And Mac

Apple announced a plethora of software updates for its devices at the WWDC event, and one of the most prominent and highly anticipated announcements was the Apple Intelligence features. Apple's personal generative AI technology will be available on iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS 15 later this year. The technology will open doors to new features and work its way to better compete against the industry. Apple Intelligence is the company's personal generative AI technology available on iPhone, iPad, and Mac that understands commands, images, and context The Apple Intelligence is powered by the company's large language models, allowing your […]

Download: iOS 18 And iPadOS 18 Beta Released For All Compatible iPhone And iPad Models

Apple took center stage to announce one of the biggest updates for the iPhone, which we have been waiting for months. The new update comes with a handful of AI upgrades spread throughout the operating system, and we can easily classify it as a worthy upgrade over iOS 17. The company has now released the first developer beta of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 which can be installed on all compatible iPhone and iPad models, housing all the AI goodness that the company has been working on for years. iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 developer beta released with AI integrations, […]

Apple Announces iOS 18 With Redesigned Control Center, Locked Apps, New Photos App, More

Apple's WWDC 2024 event is well underway and the company has a lot to show today. After visionOS 2, the company's OS update for the Vision Pro, Apple has finally announced iOS 18 and iPadOS with a handful of new and front-facing features that will transform how we use the iPhone and the iPad. The highlight of Apple's event was the AI, and we could see how the company is setting up the technology for all platforms. iOS 18 comes with a boatload of generative AI features for the iPhone, with Siri getting the most attention and stock apps deeply […]

Father’s Day Deals on Microsoft Office and Windows Licenses – Time to Upgrade Your Dad’s PC!

Stuck on a Father's Day gift your dad will actually use day in and day out? If your dad recently got a new laptop or hasn't upgraded his productivity tools in a while, this Microsoft bundle may be the ideal gift idea. MS Software licenses are discounted for the Godeal24 Father's Day Sale. Microsoft Office 2021 Pro comes with all the latest features in its constituent apps. It's on sale for $27.25. Only have to pay once, and get perpetual access to Office applications. Buy more key packages like Office 2021 Professional Plus 5 PC from $17.25/PC. The latest features […]

How To Prepare Your iPhone For iOS 18 Beta Release

Apple is all set to host its big WWDC event later today to announce one of its biggest updates that will change the iPhone forever. Today marks a special day for Apple as it officially steps into the AI game and introduces iOS 18 to the world for all compatible iPhone models. Soon after the event, the company will also be releasing iOS 18 beta to developers for testing and bug creation purposes, which means that the final release will take place later this year. However, there are certain prerequisites that you have to follow to prepare your iPhone for […]

Check Out When Apple Will Start WWDC 2024 Event In Your Local Time To Announce iOS 18 Update For The iPhone

Apple is set to announce one of the biggest iOS 18 update for the iPhone, which has been speculated to change how we use the device thanks to the major strides made in the field of artificial intelligence. The company will host the WWDC event on Monday, June 10, and the event is scheduled to kick off at 10 AM Pacific Time, where the company will announce iOS 18, watchOS 11, and additional updates infused with generative AI technology. If you are looking to catch the WWDC 2024 event live to experience AI in iOS 18 firsthand, check out when […]

Tag: Software

How to Fix iOS 18 Stuck On ‘Preparing Update’ Error on iPhone

Apple recently released the new iOS 18 update for all compatible iPhone models with a bunch of new features and major AI enhancements. The company has also released developer betas, which are a must-try for the company's new Apple Intelligence features. However, if you are encountering a 'Preparing Update' update error and the screen is stuck, we might have a fix for your iPhone, here's how to do it. Here's how to fix the iOS 18 installation issue that is stuck on the 'preparing update' screen on your iPhone Every year after Apple releases an update for the iPhone, the […]

How to Download And Install iOS 18 Developer Beta On Your iPhone

Apple has finally released iOS 18 to developers for testing purposes, and to be fair, Apple's event has given us a lot more than what was detailed in the leaks. This means that developers will have a lot to try out in the latest beta builds. If you are a developer, this is what you have to do to download and install the latest beta builds of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 on your iPhone and iPad. Apple has released beta 1 of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 to developers If you are planning to download and install the latest […]

visionOS 2 Beta Released To Developers For The Apple Vision Pro – Download

Apple has finally released visionOS 2 beta for developers, which will include new AI features and deeper interaction between apps across different platforms. Apple launched the Vision Pro earlier this year after announcing the device at the same time last year at the WWDC event. However, visionOS 1, although stable, lacked a few features that will be available with the latest release. If you are a developer, visionOS 2 beta can be downloaded and installed on Apple Vision Pro for free. Apple releases visionOS 2 developer beta for its Vision Pro headset As mentioned, Apple has released the first developer […]

Apple Releases watchOS 11 Beta To Developers – Download Now

Apple just got done with its WWDC event, and it has now released the latest watchOS 11 beta build to developers so they can test it and report bugs and issues back to Apple. The latest update comes packed with a plethora of changes tied to the new generative AI features the company has been working on for years, and it is now finally available as a beta. Since Siri is one of the most prominent upgrades this year, users can finally get the most out of their Apple Watch. The virtual assistant can not only provide detailed information but […]

Download: Apple Has Released tvOS 18 Beta To Developers For Testing Purposes

Apple announced a handful of new AI features at its WWDC 2024 event and while most of the features were oriented towards iOS 18 and macOS 15, the company made sure that tvOS 18 is not left behind. Now, the company has released its first developer beta of tvOS 18, which comes with a handful of changes that are oriented toward Apple TV. The latest beta is only available to developers for now, and we can expect a public beta in July, which will be a more stable build compared to the current version. Apple has released tvOS 18 beta […]

Download: Apple Releases macOS 15 Beta To Developers With Deeper AI Integration, Enhanced Siri, More

Apple has finally released its big macOS 15 beta update for developers with the latest AI integration and new features. Developers can download and install the latest beta build from the Settings app on their compatible Macs. If you are a developer, you can download and install the latest beta build right now for free and try out the Apple Intelligence features. Apple released macOS 15 for developers with AI features and its deeper integration within apps Apple just got done with its WWDC 2024 event, and while most AI-centric announcements were made for iOS 18, macOS 15 received its […]

Apple Finally Unveils Its Advanced Generative Personal AI ‘Apple Intelligence’ For iPhone, iPad, And Mac

Apple announced a plethora of software updates for its devices at the WWDC event, and one of the most prominent and highly anticipated announcements was the Apple Intelligence features. Apple's personal generative AI technology will be available on iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS 15 later this year. The technology will open doors to new features and work its way to better compete against the industry. Apple Intelligence is the company's personal generative AI technology available on iPhone, iPad, and Mac that understands commands, images, and context The Apple Intelligence is powered by the company's large language models, allowing your […]

Download: iOS 18 And iPadOS 18 Beta Released For All Compatible iPhone And iPad Models

Apple took center stage to announce one of the biggest updates for the iPhone, which we have been waiting for months. The new update comes with a handful of AI upgrades spread throughout the operating system, and we can easily classify it as a worthy upgrade over iOS 17. The company has now released the first developer beta of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 which can be installed on all compatible iPhone and iPad models, housing all the AI goodness that the company has been working on for years. iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 developer beta released with AI integrations, […]

Apple Announces iOS 18 With Redesigned Control Center, Locked Apps, New Photos App, More

Apple's WWDC 2024 event is well underway and the company has a lot to show today. After visionOS 2, the company's OS update for the Vision Pro, Apple has finally announced iOS 18 and iPadOS with a handful of new and front-facing features that will transform how we use the iPhone and the iPad. The highlight of Apple's event was the AI, and we could see how the company is setting up the technology for all platforms. iOS 18 comes with a boatload of generative AI features for the iPhone, with Siri getting the most attention and stock apps deeply […]

Father’s Day Deals on Microsoft Office and Windows Licenses – Time to Upgrade Your Dad’s PC!

Stuck on a Father's Day gift your dad will actually use day in and day out? If your dad recently got a new laptop or hasn't upgraded his productivity tools in a while, this Microsoft bundle may be the ideal gift idea. MS Software licenses are discounted for the Godeal24 Father's Day Sale. Microsoft Office 2021 Pro comes with all the latest features in its constituent apps. It's on sale for $27.25. Only have to pay once, and get perpetual access to Office applications. Buy more key packages like Office 2021 Professional Plus 5 PC from $17.25/PC. The latest features […]

How To Prepare Your iPhone For iOS 18 Beta Release

Apple is all set to host its big WWDC event later today to announce one of its biggest updates that will change the iPhone forever. Today marks a special day for Apple as it officially steps into the AI game and introduces iOS 18 to the world for all compatible iPhone models. Soon after the event, the company will also be releasing iOS 18 beta to developers for testing and bug creation purposes, which means that the final release will take place later this year. However, there are certain prerequisites that you have to follow to prepare your iPhone for […]

Check Out When Apple Will Start WWDC 2024 Event In Your Local Time To Announce iOS 18 Update For The iPhone

Apple is set to announce one of the biggest iOS 18 update for the iPhone, which has been speculated to change how we use the device thanks to the major strides made in the field of artificial intelligence. The company will host the WWDC event on Monday, June 10, and the event is scheduled to kick off at 10 AM Pacific Time, where the company will announce iOS 18, watchOS 11, and additional updates infused with generative AI technology. If you are looking to catch the WWDC 2024 event live to experience AI in iOS 18 firsthand, check out when […]

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