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Apple Might Launch Its Own Smart Home Camera As It Focuses On Providing A More Integrated Product Experience For Its Users

Apple is increasingly focusing on building its own devices and expanding its ecosystem by taking steps towards a more native experience for users and relying less on third-party accessories. While the Cupertino-based tech giant's HomePod and AppleTV have left quite the mark in the smart home category, it generally relies more on outsourcing cameras and other hardware for smart homes. Now, a new report suggests that the company intends to create a fully integrated experience by developing its own smart home accessories. Gurman hints about Apple working on making smart home products like security cameras for a more integrated experience […]

Best of Black Friday 2024 – power stations and bundles: Anker SOLIX, Bluetti, EcoFlow, Jackery

We’re continuing our Best of Black Friday posts today with a look at the best current deals on power stations and their respective bundle options. Folks across the country and beyond have been steadily investing more and more in the industry for a vari...

World Of Warcraft Is Finally Getting Player Homes After 20 Years

Blizzard has announced that two decades after its release, World of Warcraft is finally going to let players build a home and live in it. The feature has long been requested by WoW players and now it’s finally coming in the game’s next expansion.Read m...

ArenaNet To Release ‘Godspawn’ Update for Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds on November 19, Featuring New 50-Player Titan Battle and More

Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds will receive the Godspawn update, adding a new 50-player boss battle, a new 10-player raid, and a legendary spear. Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds is getting the first major update "Godspawn" on November 19th, expanding the story with new story chapters The MMORPG Guild Wars 2 by ArenaNet is receiving its first major update for the Janthir Wilds expansion soon. It's the first of three major updates, and it'll land on November 19. The update will add new content to the game for the players. The Janthir Wilds expansion DLC was released in August this year, […]

Download: Apple Releases iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 Beta 4 to Developers

Apple has released the fourth iteration of the iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 beta for iPhone and iPad. Since each beta takes us closer to the launch, we are glad that the updates are consistent now. Apple has finally released beta 4 of its upcoming iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 update to developers. New betas now available for iPhone and iPad The new beta update arrived a week after beta 3 was released to developers. Beta 4 of iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 can be downloaded on iPhone and iPad models over the air. This means that you will not […]

iOS 18 to Revamp Safari With Major AI-Powered Features Like ‘Web Eraser’ and ‘Page Summarization’

Apple's upcoming generative AI technology will redefine how we use Apple products, and the company appears to be taking it to the next level by hiring experts from Google. It was recently uncovered that the company is planning to integrate AI in a slew of apps across iOS 18. We have heard that Notes, Photos, Mail, and other apps will receive the AI treatment from Apple, possibly utilizing the tools the company has been working on for months. Now, sources tout that Safari will get its fair share of AI treatment as well with the new 'Web Erase' feature and […]

TikTok Could Be Banned In The U.S. As Well As Europe, Following Remarks By The EU President

The EU has recently announced that it has identified Apple's iPadOS as a digital gatekeeper. This means that the regulatory authorities could force the platform to be opened and made available to third-party developers and businesses. The EU appears to be switching its direction to TikTok for a potential ban in countries that fall under the region. The app is also looking at a ban in the United States and has nine months to comply. After the United States, TikTok is looking at a potential ban in the EU It was reported last month TikTok could face a ban in […]

How to Activate Stolen Device Protection on iPhone Running iOS 17 and Newer Versions

Even though Apple's Find My iPhone helps locate your device quite easily, the company's new Stolen Device Protection gives you an extra layer of security in case of theft. This feature is available currently with iOS 17.3 and newer versions. It aids in protecting your personal information by securing the data from being accessed in the case of a stolen iPhone. Enable Stolen Device Protection on iPhone for added protection - 4 simple steps When you activate Stolen Device Protection, some of the private data requires you to go through security barriers when the iPhone is away from a known […]

Apple Sourced More Than 30 AI Experts From Google to Push Its AI Efforts to The Next Level

Apple is well aware of its position in the market as far as generative AI technology is concerned and it is taking drastic measures to secure its spot. We have previously reported that the company is working on a wide range of large language models and complex tools to edit and manipulate images. The company is not slowing down as it is hiring a lot of AI experts from Google to take the technology to new heights. Apple hires dozens of AI experts from Google to take the technology to the next level Apple has poached dozens of AI experts […]

After iOS, New EU Rules Have Identified iPadOS as a Digital ‘Gatekeeper’, Could Require Apple to Open The Platform For Consumers

Apple's iOS platform was under scrutiny by the EU regulations last year and it made Apple open the software for third-party developers. However, this was only the beginning as the company's iPadOS is now under pressure from the new EU tech regulations. iPadOS has now been identified as a Digital Gatekeeper under the EU's new tech rules, pushing Apple to fulfill the obligations in the next six months The latest news coming out of the EU states that the antitrust officials in the region have identified Apple's iPadOS as a major digital gatekeeper. iPadOS is Apple's operating system for the […]

Keysfan Labor Day Sale: Permanent Microsoft Office 2021 Pro Plus, Windows 11 Pro and More Keys on Discount

Looking for a valid Office 2021 product key? Tired of working with a slow Operating System? Your search ends here! Upgrade to a better, more secure Windows OS today or get yourself or a friend the coveted Office 2021 key, now at a special price thanks to Keysfan's Labor Day Deals. Keysfan, who has decades of experience in software license sales, provides you with a lifetime version of Office 2021 and Windows OS! With just a click, you can get a lifetime Office 2021 Pro Plus for $30.53. Buy Office 2021 Pro key 5 PC set and share them with […]

iOS 18 to Be The Biggest Update For The iPhone, as Apple Plans to Overhaul a Slew of Apps With AI Integration

iOS 18 is rumored to be the biggest update the iPhone has ever received, potentially due to advanced AI integration. It appears that AI will cover a slew of apps on the platform with Apple looking to 'overhaul' the Notes, Mail, Photos, and Fitness apps. The company will be hosting its WWDC 2024 event for developers and the general public in the first half of June. The event will bring a handful of improvements to the iPhone, as the company has been working on its custom generative AI models for iOS 18 and additional software updates. AI to be a […]

Apple Users Complain of Being Locked Out of Their Apple ID Accounts, Pushing Them to Reset Their Password

Apple users are reporting an issue that is locking them out of their Apple ID and prompted to reset their password. Apple is potentially working to fix the issue, but you have to reset your password to gain access to your Apple ID account. If you are locked out of your Apple ID for no reason, check out what you have to do to regain access. Users locked out of their Apple ID account overnight, prompted to reset their password According to a number of reports on social media, there appears to be an Apple ID outage. The problem appeared […]

Apple Really Wants OpenAI’s AI Features in iOS 18, as Both Parties Are Said to Be Discussing Possible Terms of Agreement

Apple is gearing up to introduce its next-generation software update for the iPhone, which is expected to be the biggest in the device's history. So far, we have heard details on the design variations coming with iOS 18 along with a boatload of generative AI features. However, the company is not going solo with AI, as it is planning to partner with a handful of companies to bring their generative AI technology to iOS 18. According to reports, Apple has re-initiated talks with OpenAI to bring its technology to the iPhone. Apple is in talks with OpenAI again to bring […]

Galaxy Note 9 Can Now Utilize Galaxy AI Features Thanks to This New Custom ROM

The Galaxy Note 9 is still considered to be one of the best Note devices that Samsung has ever made. Even though Samsung released two more generations of Note devices, some people consider that the Note series ended with the Note 9. The good news, however, is that through some really nice third-party support, the phone is still being kept alive as the device has just received a bevy of Galaxy AI features thanks to a custom ROM named Noble ROM. The Galaxy Note 9 and the Galaxy S9 are still going strong despite being more than half a decade […]

Apple’s Generative AI Features in iOS 18 Will Use On-Device Processing Instead of Cloud-Based For Faster Operations

Apple has not offered any if its generative AI features to the public as of yet, as it lags behind the likes of Google and OpenAI in a lot of aspects. However, the company is working on its biggest update for the iPhone which will bring AI to the the company's ecosystem and offer a wide range of utilities on a system level. We have previously reported that the company plans to offer its AI technology on all iPhone models that will be compatible with iOS 18. It is now being reported that Apple plans to implement its LLM or […]

Tag: Software

Download: Apple Releases iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 Beta 4 to Developers

Apple has released the fourth iteration of the iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 beta for iPhone and iPad. Since each beta takes us closer to the launch, we are glad that the updates are consistent now. Apple has finally released beta 4 of its upcoming iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 update to developers. New betas now available for iPhone and iPad The new beta update arrived a week after beta 3 was released to developers. Beta 4 of iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 can be downloaded on iPhone and iPad models over the air. This means that you will not […]

iOS 18 to Revamp Safari With Major AI-Powered Features Like ‘Web Eraser’ and ‘Page Summarization’

Apple's upcoming generative AI technology will redefine how we use Apple products, and the company appears to be taking it to the next level by hiring experts from Google. It was recently uncovered that the company is planning to integrate AI in a slew of apps across iOS 18. We have heard that Notes, Photos, Mail, and other apps will receive the AI treatment from Apple, possibly utilizing the tools the company has been working on for months. Now, sources tout that Safari will get its fair share of AI treatment as well with the new 'Web Erase' feature and […]

TikTok Could Be Banned In The U.S. As Well As Europe, Following Remarks By The EU President

The EU has recently announced that it has identified Apple's iPadOS as a digital gatekeeper. This means that the regulatory authorities could force the platform to be opened and made available to third-party developers and businesses. The EU appears to be switching its direction to TikTok for a potential ban in countries that fall under the region. The app is also looking at a ban in the United States and has nine months to comply. After the United States, TikTok is looking at a potential ban in the EU It was reported last month TikTok could face a ban in […]

How to Activate Stolen Device Protection on iPhone Running iOS 17 and Newer Versions

Even though Apple's Find My iPhone helps locate your device quite easily, the company's new Stolen Device Protection gives you an extra layer of security in case of theft. This feature is available currently with iOS 17.3 and newer versions. It aids in protecting your personal information by securing the data from being accessed in the case of a stolen iPhone. Enable Stolen Device Protection on iPhone for added protection - 4 simple steps When you activate Stolen Device Protection, some of the private data requires you to go through security barriers when the iPhone is away from a known […]

Apple Sourced More Than 30 AI Experts From Google to Push Its AI Efforts to The Next Level

Apple is well aware of its position in the market as far as generative AI technology is concerned and it is taking drastic measures to secure its spot. We have previously reported that the company is working on a wide range of large language models and complex tools to edit and manipulate images. The company is not slowing down as it is hiring a lot of AI experts from Google to take the technology to new heights. Apple hires dozens of AI experts from Google to take the technology to the next level Apple has poached dozens of AI experts […]

After iOS, New EU Rules Have Identified iPadOS as a Digital ‘Gatekeeper’, Could Require Apple to Open The Platform For Consumers

Apple's iOS platform was under scrutiny by the EU regulations last year and it made Apple open the software for third-party developers. However, this was only the beginning as the company's iPadOS is now under pressure from the new EU tech regulations. iPadOS has now been identified as a Digital Gatekeeper under the EU's new tech rules, pushing Apple to fulfill the obligations in the next six months The latest news coming out of the EU states that the antitrust officials in the region have identified Apple's iPadOS as a major digital gatekeeper. iPadOS is Apple's operating system for the […]

Keysfan Labor Day Sale: Permanent Microsoft Office 2021 Pro Plus, Windows 11 Pro and More Keys on Discount

Looking for a valid Office 2021 product key? Tired of working with a slow Operating System? Your search ends here! Upgrade to a better, more secure Windows OS today or get yourself or a friend the coveted Office 2021 key, now at a special price thanks to Keysfan's Labor Day Deals. Keysfan, who has decades of experience in software license sales, provides you with a lifetime version of Office 2021 and Windows OS! With just a click, you can get a lifetime Office 2021 Pro Plus for $30.53. Buy Office 2021 Pro key 5 PC set and share them with […]

iOS 18 to Be The Biggest Update For The iPhone, as Apple Plans to Overhaul a Slew of Apps With AI Integration

iOS 18 is rumored to be the biggest update the iPhone has ever received, potentially due to advanced AI integration. It appears that AI will cover a slew of apps on the platform with Apple looking to 'overhaul' the Notes, Mail, Photos, and Fitness apps. The company will be hosting its WWDC 2024 event for developers and the general public in the first half of June. The event will bring a handful of improvements to the iPhone, as the company has been working on its custom generative AI models for iOS 18 and additional software updates. AI to be a […]

Apple Users Complain of Being Locked Out of Their Apple ID Accounts, Pushing Them to Reset Their Password

Apple users are reporting an issue that is locking them out of their Apple ID and prompted to reset their password. Apple is potentially working to fix the issue, but you have to reset your password to gain access to your Apple ID account. If you are locked out of your Apple ID for no reason, check out what you have to do to regain access. Users locked out of their Apple ID account overnight, prompted to reset their password According to a number of reports on social media, there appears to be an Apple ID outage. The problem appeared […]

Apple Really Wants OpenAI’s AI Features in iOS 18, as Both Parties Are Said to Be Discussing Possible Terms of Agreement

Apple is gearing up to introduce its next-generation software update for the iPhone, which is expected to be the biggest in the device's history. So far, we have heard details on the design variations coming with iOS 18 along with a boatload of generative AI features. However, the company is not going solo with AI, as it is planning to partner with a handful of companies to bring their generative AI technology to iOS 18. According to reports, Apple has re-initiated talks with OpenAI to bring its technology to the iPhone. Apple is in talks with OpenAI again to bring […]

Galaxy Note 9 Can Now Utilize Galaxy AI Features Thanks to This New Custom ROM

The Galaxy Note 9 is still considered to be one of the best Note devices that Samsung has ever made. Even though Samsung released two more generations of Note devices, some people consider that the Note series ended with the Note 9. The good news, however, is that through some really nice third-party support, the phone is still being kept alive as the device has just received a bevy of Galaxy AI features thanks to a custom ROM named Noble ROM. The Galaxy Note 9 and the Galaxy S9 are still going strong despite being more than half a decade […]

Apple’s Generative AI Features in iOS 18 Will Use On-Device Processing Instead of Cloud-Based For Faster Operations

Apple has not offered any if its generative AI features to the public as of yet, as it lags behind the likes of Google and OpenAI in a lot of aspects. However, the company is working on its biggest update for the iPhone which will bring AI to the the company's ecosystem and offer a wide range of utilities on a system level. We have previously reported that the company plans to offer its AI technology on all iPhone models that will be compatible with iOS 18. It is now being reported that Apple plans to implement its LLM or […]

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