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Apple Might Launch Its Own Smart Home Camera As It Focuses On Providing A More Integrated Product Experience For Its Users

Apple is increasingly focusing on building its own devices and expanding its ecosystem by taking steps towards a more native experience for users and relying less on third-party accessories. While the Cupertino-based tech giant's HomePod and AppleTV have left quite the mark in the smart home category, it generally relies more on outsourcing cameras and other hardware for smart homes. Now, a new report suggests that the company intends to create a fully integrated experience by developing its own smart home accessories. Gurman hints about Apple working on making smart home products like security cameras for a more integrated experience […]

Best of Black Friday 2024 – power stations and bundles: Anker SOLIX, Bluetti, EcoFlow, Jackery

We’re continuing our Best of Black Friday posts today with a look at the best current deals on power stations and their respective bundle options. Folks across the country and beyond have been steadily investing more and more in the industry for a vari...

World Of Warcraft Is Finally Getting Player Homes After 20 Years

Blizzard has announced that two decades after its release, World of Warcraft is finally going to let players build a home and live in it. The feature has long been requested by WoW players and now it’s finally coming in the game’s next expansion.Read m...

ArenaNet To Release ‘Godspawn’ Update for Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds on November 19, Featuring New 50-Player Titan Battle and More

Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds will receive the Godspawn update, adding a new 50-player boss battle, a new 10-player raid, and a legendary spear. Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds is getting the first major update "Godspawn" on November 19th, expanding the story with new story chapters The MMORPG Guild Wars 2 by ArenaNet is receiving its first major update for the Janthir Wilds expansion soon. It's the first of three major updates, and it'll land on November 19. The update will add new content to the game for the players. The Janthir Wilds expansion DLC was released in August this year, […]

Software Super Sale: Grab License for Lifetime Microsoft Office for Only $15.05/PC!

When it comes to the Office productivity suite, Microsoft Office is supreme. While there are several budgetary choices, they can all be summed up as "Office substitutions." Furthermore, they aren't very affordable. Most modern programs have converted to a subscription service, requiring annual payment rather than a single payment. Fortunately, the Office suite from Microsoft is lifetime use. But expenses may be your concern! That's the good news we want to share: Godeal24 provides a Software Super Sale where you can get 100% genuine and lifetime Microsoft Office suites and Windows OS at the floor price! Office 2021 Professional for […]

German state gov. ditching Windows for Linux, 30K workers migrating

Schleswig-Holstein looks to succeed where Munich failed.

Apple Releases macOS 14.5, watchOS 10.5, tvOS 17.5, visionOS 1.2 Beta 1 to Developers

Apple typically releases new beta updates a few days after seeding the final build to the public, but developers remain idle for a month after iOS 17.4, macOS 14.4, and other updates. The company has finally released the first beta of macOS 14.5, watchOS 10.5, tvOS 17.5, and visionOS 1.2 to developers for testing on all compatible devices. Apple releases first beta of macOS 14.5, watchOS 10.5, tvOS 17.5, visionOS 1.2 to developers for all compatible devices As mentioned, Apple has released beta 1 of its upcoming macOS 14.5 update to developers, which can be downloaded to compatible Macs through […]

Download: Apple Finally Releases iOS 17.5 And iPadOS 17.5 Beta 1 to Developers

Almost a month after the launch of its big iOS 17.4 update, Apple has finally seen fit to release iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 beta 1 to developers for testing and possibly with new features. It was reported by prominent analyst Mark Gurman that Apple is currently developing and testing the build and that the update will be available to all developers this week. The company has finally delivered after a month and we suspect the update will house major changes for the iPhone. A month after the release of iOS 17.4, Apple released iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 Beta […]

iPadOS 18 Rumored to Drop Support For These iPad Models, as Apple Goes Generous With iOS 18 Compatibility

Apple is expected to announce iOS 18 in a few months at its developer's conference in June, alongside a handful of other updates for its entire product line. As we come closer to the unveiling of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18, we are hearing details on which iPhone or iPad devices will feature support for the updates, as the company is known to drop compatibility for some older devices. According to the latest rumor, all iPhone models that support iOS 17 will also get iOS 18, but iPadOS 18 will not be compatible with some older iPads. Check out the […]

Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2.1 is Now Rolling Out For All Supported Pixel Devices with Several Bug Fixes

Google has just started rolling out the Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2.1 for all the supported Pixel devices, and the latest update has brought a number of bug fixes for all the devices. Users who are interested in the update can go ahead and install it using the factory image linked at the end of this post. The latest Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2.1 is here with a number of fixes, but you cannot sideload it via OTA The Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2.1 comes with the version number AP21.240305.005 and, for some reason, has the March 2024 security patch. […]

How to Disable or Enable Predictive Text on iPhone Running iOS 17

Predictive text is a pretty useful feature that allows you to type quickly on your iPhone or iPad. However, you might have come across various occasions when the Predictive Text feature fails to predict the next word and ultimately ends up distracting you from what you were originally writing. Some users classify the feature as annoying as they have their own way of writing, and the feature only comes in their way. Check out how you can enable or disable the feature from the Settings on your iPhone or iPad running iOS 17/iPadOS 17. Disable or enable Predictive Text on […]

iOS 18 Concept Envisions New Customizable Control Center, Ability to Place Apps Anywhere on Home Screen, and More

Apple is working on a wide range of generative AI features for iOS 18, which will be released to all users later this year alongside the launch of the new iPhone 16 models. While we have reported a handful of new additions coming with iOS 18, there is still a lot that we do not know about the platform. Well, a designer has created a stunning iOS 18 concept that aims to show a wide variety of features we should expect from Apple at the WWDC 2024 event. The new iOS 18 concept imagines a horizontal Home Screen layout and […]

Apple Files Patent For Apple Maps, Specifically Designed For CarPlay With Refueling Suggestions And More

Apple is on the verge of introducing new AI features with the release of iOS 18, as it has been working on various tools for a while. However, the company is also keen on improving the Apple Maps experience for users so they do not have to rely on Google Maps. The company has been working to improve its Maps app as well as the navigation it offers, with a handful of nifty improvements, as shown in the patent below. Apple files patent application for new Apple Maps feature, specifically for CarPlay Apple files a lot of patents, and it […]

This $3 App Does a Better Job Than The iPhone 15 Pro to Record High Quality Spatial Videos

Apple launched the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro models with major changes in design and improved cameras. One of the biggest improvements on the iPhone 15 Pro is its ability to capture Spatial Videos for the Vision Pro. The feature is exclusively available on the 'Pro' models, as the standard models are not capable of doing so at this stage. However, Apple will bring the feature to the standard iPhone models later this year. A new $3 app has emerged that aims to do a major job recording Spatial Videos on the iPhone 15 Pro. Spatialify allows the iPhone […]

Apple’s iMessage App on iPhone Has a Hidden Feature That Not a Lot of People Know About

Apple's iMessage platform is one of the most widely used messaging apps on the iPhone, and the company brings new features to the mix almost every year. It appears that the iMessage app on the iPhone houses a feature that has remained hidden among most users. It basically allows users to place emojis on top of each other to create a sticker that they can share with their friends and family. If you are not familiar, check out how the hidden feature works on your iPhone running iOS 17. iMessage on iOS has a pretty nifty hidden feature that compiles […]

When Will Apple Release The First Developer Beta of iOS 18 With AI Features For The iPhone

iOS 18 will be the biggest update the iPhone has ever received, as Apple has planned a boatload of features for the device. The company has been working on a wide range of AI tools, which will potentially see daylight with the release of iOS 18 later this year. While some utilities will be available for all iPhone models, others will be exclusive to this year's iPhone 16 lineup. If you are anxiously waiting for the update, iOS 18 will soon be available for download as a beta update for developers. Apple will release the iOS 18 beta to developers […]

Tag: Software

Software Super Sale: Grab License for Lifetime Microsoft Office for Only $15.05/PC!

When it comes to the Office productivity suite, Microsoft Office is supreme. While there are several budgetary choices, they can all be summed up as "Office substitutions." Furthermore, they aren't very affordable. Most modern programs have converted to a subscription service, requiring annual payment rather than a single payment. Fortunately, the Office suite from Microsoft is lifetime use. But expenses may be your concern! That's the good news we want to share: Godeal24 provides a Software Super Sale where you can get 100% genuine and lifetime Microsoft Office suites and Windows OS at the floor price! Office 2021 Professional for […]

German state gov. ditching Windows for Linux, 30K workers migrating

Schleswig-Holstein looks to succeed where Munich failed.

Apple Releases macOS 14.5, watchOS 10.5, tvOS 17.5, visionOS 1.2 Beta 1 to Developers

Apple typically releases new beta updates a few days after seeding the final build to the public, but developers remain idle for a month after iOS 17.4, macOS 14.4, and other updates. The company has finally released the first beta of macOS 14.5, watchOS 10.5, tvOS 17.5, and visionOS 1.2 to developers for testing on all compatible devices. Apple releases first beta of macOS 14.5, watchOS 10.5, tvOS 17.5, visionOS 1.2 to developers for all compatible devices As mentioned, Apple has released beta 1 of its upcoming macOS 14.5 update to developers, which can be downloaded to compatible Macs through […]

Download: Apple Finally Releases iOS 17.5 And iPadOS 17.5 Beta 1 to Developers

Almost a month after the launch of its big iOS 17.4 update, Apple has finally seen fit to release iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 beta 1 to developers for testing and possibly with new features. It was reported by prominent analyst Mark Gurman that Apple is currently developing and testing the build and that the update will be available to all developers this week. The company has finally delivered after a month and we suspect the update will house major changes for the iPhone. A month after the release of iOS 17.4, Apple released iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 Beta […]

iPadOS 18 Rumored to Drop Support For These iPad Models, as Apple Goes Generous With iOS 18 Compatibility

Apple is expected to announce iOS 18 in a few months at its developer's conference in June, alongside a handful of other updates for its entire product line. As we come closer to the unveiling of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18, we are hearing details on which iPhone or iPad devices will feature support for the updates, as the company is known to drop compatibility for some older devices. According to the latest rumor, all iPhone models that support iOS 17 will also get iOS 18, but iPadOS 18 will not be compatible with some older iPads. Check out the […]

Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2.1 is Now Rolling Out For All Supported Pixel Devices with Several Bug Fixes

Google has just started rolling out the Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2.1 for all the supported Pixel devices, and the latest update has brought a number of bug fixes for all the devices. Users who are interested in the update can go ahead and install it using the factory image linked at the end of this post. The latest Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2.1 is here with a number of fixes, but you cannot sideload it via OTA The Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2.1 comes with the version number AP21.240305.005 and, for some reason, has the March 2024 security patch. […]

How to Disable or Enable Predictive Text on iPhone Running iOS 17

Predictive text is a pretty useful feature that allows you to type quickly on your iPhone or iPad. However, you might have come across various occasions when the Predictive Text feature fails to predict the next word and ultimately ends up distracting you from what you were originally writing. Some users classify the feature as annoying as they have their own way of writing, and the feature only comes in their way. Check out how you can enable or disable the feature from the Settings on your iPhone or iPad running iOS 17/iPadOS 17. Disable or enable Predictive Text on […]

iOS 18 Concept Envisions New Customizable Control Center, Ability to Place Apps Anywhere on Home Screen, and More

Apple is working on a wide range of generative AI features for iOS 18, which will be released to all users later this year alongside the launch of the new iPhone 16 models. While we have reported a handful of new additions coming with iOS 18, there is still a lot that we do not know about the platform. Well, a designer has created a stunning iOS 18 concept that aims to show a wide variety of features we should expect from Apple at the WWDC 2024 event. The new iOS 18 concept imagines a horizontal Home Screen layout and […]

Apple Files Patent For Apple Maps, Specifically Designed For CarPlay With Refueling Suggestions And More

Apple is on the verge of introducing new AI features with the release of iOS 18, as it has been working on various tools for a while. However, the company is also keen on improving the Apple Maps experience for users so they do not have to rely on Google Maps. The company has been working to improve its Maps app as well as the navigation it offers, with a handful of nifty improvements, as shown in the patent below. Apple files patent application for new Apple Maps feature, specifically for CarPlay Apple files a lot of patents, and it […]

This $3 App Does a Better Job Than The iPhone 15 Pro to Record High Quality Spatial Videos

Apple launched the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro models with major changes in design and improved cameras. One of the biggest improvements on the iPhone 15 Pro is its ability to capture Spatial Videos for the Vision Pro. The feature is exclusively available on the 'Pro' models, as the standard models are not capable of doing so at this stage. However, Apple will bring the feature to the standard iPhone models later this year. A new $3 app has emerged that aims to do a major job recording Spatial Videos on the iPhone 15 Pro. Spatialify allows the iPhone […]

Apple’s iMessage App on iPhone Has a Hidden Feature That Not a Lot of People Know About

Apple's iMessage platform is one of the most widely used messaging apps on the iPhone, and the company brings new features to the mix almost every year. It appears that the iMessage app on the iPhone houses a feature that has remained hidden among most users. It basically allows users to place emojis on top of each other to create a sticker that they can share with their friends and family. If you are not familiar, check out how the hidden feature works on your iPhone running iOS 17. iMessage on iOS has a pretty nifty hidden feature that compiles […]

When Will Apple Release The First Developer Beta of iOS 18 With AI Features For The iPhone

iOS 18 will be the biggest update the iPhone has ever received, as Apple has planned a boatload of features for the device. The company has been working on a wide range of AI tools, which will potentially see daylight with the release of iOS 18 later this year. While some utilities will be available for all iPhone models, others will be exclusive to this year's iPhone 16 lineup. If you are anxiously waiting for the update, iOS 18 will soon be available for download as a beta update for developers. Apple will release the iOS 18 beta to developers […]

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