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Apple Might Launch Its Own Smart Home Camera As It Focuses On Providing A More Integrated Product Experience For Its Users

Apple is increasingly focusing on building its own devices and expanding its ecosystem by taking steps towards a more native experience for users and relying less on third-party accessories. While the Cupertino-based tech giant's HomePod and AppleTV have left quite the mark in the smart home category, it generally relies more on outsourcing cameras and other hardware for smart homes. Now, a new report suggests that the company intends to create a fully integrated experience by developing its own smart home accessories. Gurman hints about Apple working on making smart home products like security cameras for a more integrated experience […]

Best of Black Friday 2024 – power stations and bundles: Anker SOLIX, Bluetti, EcoFlow, Jackery

We’re continuing our Best of Black Friday posts today with a look at the best current deals on power stations and their respective bundle options. Folks across the country and beyond have been steadily investing more and more in the industry for a vari...

World Of Warcraft Is Finally Getting Player Homes After 20 Years

Blizzard has announced that two decades after its release, World of Warcraft is finally going to let players build a home and live in it. The feature has long been requested by WoW players and now it’s finally coming in the game’s next expansion.Read m...

ArenaNet To Release ‘Godspawn’ Update for Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds on November 19, Featuring New 50-Player Titan Battle and More

Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds will receive the Godspawn update, adding a new 50-player boss battle, a new 10-player raid, and a legendary spear. Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds is getting the first major update "Godspawn" on November 19th, expanding the story with new story chapters The MMORPG Guild Wars 2 by ArenaNet is receiving its first major update for the Janthir Wilds expansion soon. It's the first of three major updates, and it'll land on November 19. The update will add new content to the game for the players. The Janthir Wilds expansion DLC was released in August this year, […]

iOS 18 to Take Design Cues From visionOS, Bringing Translucent Elements and Redesigned System Apps Such as Safari

It was recently reported that Apple made a breakthrough as it released a new AI model that can edit and manipulate images with natural language commands. The company is gradually working to offer its own AI applications for the iPhone 16 models. We have previously covered that iOS 18 will be Apple's biggest the iPhone has ever received due to the addition of new AI features. It is now rumored that Apple is also looking to redesign iOS 18 with inspiration from the visionOS operating system for the Vision Pro headset. The latest rumor coins that iOS 18 will take […]

Here is a List of Features Coming to the Next Pixel Feature Drop

Pixel Feature Drops are my favorite thing about Pixel phones, especially when you get access to so many great features without having to wait for major updates. Google has been making these drops for some time, and the best thing is that some excellent features have made their way to the supported devices. Future Pixel Feature Drop will add a number of handful features to make the user-experience better and more seamless The next Pixel Feature Drop is not that far, and today, we have our hands on a list that talks about all the potential features coming ot the […]

Apple Has Released iOS 17.3.1 With a Major Fix For The iPhone

As expected, Apple has finally released iOS 17.3.1 update for the iPhone with a fix for a major issue. The update is available for all compatible iPhone models. The company has also released iPadOS 17.3.1, watchOS 10.3.1, and macOS 14.3.1 with bug fixes and performance enhancements. If you have been waiting for the update for a while, you can finally download it for free on your iPhone right now. Apple finally released iOS 17.3.1 with a fix for a typing bug on the iPhone - watchOS 10.3.1 and macOS 14.3.1 were also released Apple's latest iOS 17.3.1 update was released […]

Apple Preparing to Release iOS 17.3.1 Update for iPhone Ahead of iOS 17.4, Possibly With Important Security Updates

Apple has until March 6 to comply with the changes imposed by the EU under the Digital Markets Act. This means the company will release its big iOS 17.4 update before the deadline. However, Apple is also preparing to release its iOS 17.3.1 update for the iPhone, which will launch ahead of iOS 17.4. While we are not familiar with the changes it will bring to the table, it can be speculated that the update will focus on bug fixes, performance enhancements, and security updates. Apple will potentially release iOS 16.3.1 next week with important security updates for the iPhone, […]

Apple Makes Another Breakthrough, Unveils New AI Model That Can Manipulate Images With Natural Language Commands

Apple is lagging behind the likes of ChatGPT and Google's Gemini in a lot of aspects. However, the company has invested heavily in AI as it aims to bring the technology to the iPhone 16 lineup later this year with the release of iOS 18. It is now being reported that Apple researchers have released a new AI model that can edit images based natural language commands by the user. The technology will possibly be showcased at the company's WWDC 2024 event in June. Apple's new AI model can interpret natural language input and manipulate images Apple's new AI model, […]

Download: Apple Releases iOS 17.4, watchOS 10.4, and macOS 14.4 Beta 2 for Developers, visionOS 1.1 Beta 1 Also Available

Today, Apple has seen fit to release beta 2 of its upcoming iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, watchOS 10.4, macOS 14.4, and tvOS 17.4 to developers. For the first time, the company has also seeded the first ever visionOS 1.1 beta update to developers for testing purposes. If you are a developer, you can download and install the latest builds on your compatible devices for free. Apple has made iOS 17.4, watchOS 10.4, macOS 14.4, and tvOS 17.4 beta 2 available to developers. visionOS 1.1 beta 1 is also available for the first time If you are a developer, you can […]

Chinese New Year Sale Savings on Office 2021 Pro, Windows 11 and More Computer Tools

The Chinese New Year, the Year of the Dragon, has arrived! During the Lunar New Year, purchasing the Microsoft Windows operating system and MS Office will be a great opportunity to unlock your full potential. In the Godeal24 Chinese Lunar New Year Sale, the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system costs as low as $9.08 less than 10% of the usual price! And the latest version of MS OS - Windows 11 Pro is only $14.58! With the strong backing of Windows OS, you need the all-around productivity suite - the popular Office 2021 Pro Plus is priced at $27.78. Choose […]

ChatGPT App For Vision Pro Allows Users to Interact With AI in a 3D Space, Now Available on The visionOS App Store

Apple announced the Vision Pro headset at its WWDC event last year. Since then, the company has been working with developers to create proper use cases for the device. Third-party app developers have also been working to offer their apps for Vision Pro. With the launch of the Vision Pro, one of the most important productivity apps has landed on the visionOS App Store. OpenAI's ChatGPT app is now finally available for the Vision Pro, and you can download it right now for free. OpenAI brings ChatGPT to the Vision Pro, allowing users to chat with GPT-4 Turbo OpenAI's ChatGPT […]

Apple App Store Class Action Lawsuit Could Expand to Raise Antitrust Concerns in the US, Implications Could be Similar to The EU

Apple is bringing major changes to the App Store with the release of iOS 17.4. However, the changes will be implemented in the EU under the Digital Markets Act, allowing users to sideload apps and install alternative app stores on the iPhone. Apple could face the same fate in the United States, and a federal judge has reinitiated a class action lawsuit against Apple's App Store practices. The case was originally filed in 2011, but the judge had reservations regarding the certification and denied class-action certification in March 2022. Federal judge approves class action lawsuit against Apple, highlighting Apple's App […]

Apple Could Throttle The Performance of The Vision Pro Depending on The Condition of The Battery

Apple has finally launched the Vision Pro, and you can get your hands on the headset from your nearest Apple Store today. The device will give you 2.5 to 3 hours of battery timing, depending on your use. However, similar to the iPhone, the Vision Pro also comes with an always-on battery management system, which will change the performance level of the headset in different situations. According to Apple, the headset can assess the condition of the battery and reduce the performance. Apple details that Vision Pro performance could be reduced depending on the battery to avoid issues Apple shares […]

Apple Vision Pro Demos Can be Reserved Online Starting Monday

Apple has officially launched the Vision Pro headset to the world. You can now reserve an online demo for the Vision Pro if you plan to purchase the headset from an Apple Store. To reserve the demo of the device online, you can head over to Apple's dedicated website starting Monday in the United States. You can reserve an Apple Vision Pro demo starting Monday If you want to reserve a demo for the Vision Pro, simply head over to this page on Apple's official website. You will be required to visit your local Apple Store for the demo. If […]

Zuckerberg is Unhappy With Apple’s App Store Changes, Calls Them ‘So Onerous’ and ‘Difficult to Seriously Entertain’

Apple is introducing a wide range of changes with the release of iOS 17.4 in March. The company is bound to allow alternative app stores on the iPhone, and the ability to sideload apps from outside the official App Store. However, the changes are slated to occur in the countries under the European Union. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is unhappy with the changes Apple brings forward under the Digital Markets Act. Apple's compliance with the EU regulations was criticized by Meta CEO, calling it 'onerous' Mark Zuckerberg spoke to investors at Meta's earnings call on Thursday, stating that Apple's forthcoming […]

Tag: Software

iOS 18 to Take Design Cues From visionOS, Bringing Translucent Elements and Redesigned System Apps Such as Safari

It was recently reported that Apple made a breakthrough as it released a new AI model that can edit and manipulate images with natural language commands. The company is gradually working to offer its own AI applications for the iPhone 16 models. We have previously covered that iOS 18 will be Apple's biggest the iPhone has ever received due to the addition of new AI features. It is now rumored that Apple is also looking to redesign iOS 18 with inspiration from the visionOS operating system for the Vision Pro headset. The latest rumor coins that iOS 18 will take […]

Here is a List of Features Coming to the Next Pixel Feature Drop

Pixel Feature Drops are my favorite thing about Pixel phones, especially when you get access to so many great features without having to wait for major updates. Google has been making these drops for some time, and the best thing is that some excellent features have made their way to the supported devices. Future Pixel Feature Drop will add a number of handful features to make the user-experience better and more seamless The next Pixel Feature Drop is not that far, and today, we have our hands on a list that talks about all the potential features coming ot the […]

Apple Has Released iOS 17.3.1 With a Major Fix For The iPhone

As expected, Apple has finally released iOS 17.3.1 update for the iPhone with a fix for a major issue. The update is available for all compatible iPhone models. The company has also released iPadOS 17.3.1, watchOS 10.3.1, and macOS 14.3.1 with bug fixes and performance enhancements. If you have been waiting for the update for a while, you can finally download it for free on your iPhone right now. Apple finally released iOS 17.3.1 with a fix for a typing bug on the iPhone - watchOS 10.3.1 and macOS 14.3.1 were also released Apple's latest iOS 17.3.1 update was released […]

Apple Preparing to Release iOS 17.3.1 Update for iPhone Ahead of iOS 17.4, Possibly With Important Security Updates

Apple has until March 6 to comply with the changes imposed by the EU under the Digital Markets Act. This means the company will release its big iOS 17.4 update before the deadline. However, Apple is also preparing to release its iOS 17.3.1 update for the iPhone, which will launch ahead of iOS 17.4. While we are not familiar with the changes it will bring to the table, it can be speculated that the update will focus on bug fixes, performance enhancements, and security updates. Apple will potentially release iOS 16.3.1 next week with important security updates for the iPhone, […]

Apple Makes Another Breakthrough, Unveils New AI Model That Can Manipulate Images With Natural Language Commands

Apple is lagging behind the likes of ChatGPT and Google's Gemini in a lot of aspects. However, the company has invested heavily in AI as it aims to bring the technology to the iPhone 16 lineup later this year with the release of iOS 18. It is now being reported that Apple researchers have released a new AI model that can edit images based natural language commands by the user. The technology will possibly be showcased at the company's WWDC 2024 event in June. Apple's new AI model can interpret natural language input and manipulate images Apple's new AI model, […]

Download: Apple Releases iOS 17.4, watchOS 10.4, and macOS 14.4 Beta 2 for Developers, visionOS 1.1 Beta 1 Also Available

Today, Apple has seen fit to release beta 2 of its upcoming iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, watchOS 10.4, macOS 14.4, and tvOS 17.4 to developers. For the first time, the company has also seeded the first ever visionOS 1.1 beta update to developers for testing purposes. If you are a developer, you can download and install the latest builds on your compatible devices for free. Apple has made iOS 17.4, watchOS 10.4, macOS 14.4, and tvOS 17.4 beta 2 available to developers. visionOS 1.1 beta 1 is also available for the first time If you are a developer, you can […]

Chinese New Year Sale Savings on Office 2021 Pro, Windows 11 and More Computer Tools

The Chinese New Year, the Year of the Dragon, has arrived! During the Lunar New Year, purchasing the Microsoft Windows operating system and MS Office will be a great opportunity to unlock your full potential. In the Godeal24 Chinese Lunar New Year Sale, the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system costs as low as $9.08 less than 10% of the usual price! And the latest version of MS OS - Windows 11 Pro is only $14.58! With the strong backing of Windows OS, you need the all-around productivity suite - the popular Office 2021 Pro Plus is priced at $27.78. Choose […]

ChatGPT App For Vision Pro Allows Users to Interact With AI in a 3D Space, Now Available on The visionOS App Store

Apple announced the Vision Pro headset at its WWDC event last year. Since then, the company has been working with developers to create proper use cases for the device. Third-party app developers have also been working to offer their apps for Vision Pro. With the launch of the Vision Pro, one of the most important productivity apps has landed on the visionOS App Store. OpenAI's ChatGPT app is now finally available for the Vision Pro, and you can download it right now for free. OpenAI brings ChatGPT to the Vision Pro, allowing users to chat with GPT-4 Turbo OpenAI's ChatGPT […]

Apple App Store Class Action Lawsuit Could Expand to Raise Antitrust Concerns in the US, Implications Could be Similar to The EU

Apple is bringing major changes to the App Store with the release of iOS 17.4. However, the changes will be implemented in the EU under the Digital Markets Act, allowing users to sideload apps and install alternative app stores on the iPhone. Apple could face the same fate in the United States, and a federal judge has reinitiated a class action lawsuit against Apple's App Store practices. The case was originally filed in 2011, but the judge had reservations regarding the certification and denied class-action certification in March 2022. Federal judge approves class action lawsuit against Apple, highlighting Apple's App […]

Apple Could Throttle The Performance of The Vision Pro Depending on The Condition of The Battery

Apple has finally launched the Vision Pro, and you can get your hands on the headset from your nearest Apple Store today. The device will give you 2.5 to 3 hours of battery timing, depending on your use. However, similar to the iPhone, the Vision Pro also comes with an always-on battery management system, which will change the performance level of the headset in different situations. According to Apple, the headset can assess the condition of the battery and reduce the performance. Apple details that Vision Pro performance could be reduced depending on the battery to avoid issues Apple shares […]

Apple Vision Pro Demos Can be Reserved Online Starting Monday

Apple has officially launched the Vision Pro headset to the world. You can now reserve an online demo for the Vision Pro if you plan to purchase the headset from an Apple Store. To reserve the demo of the device online, you can head over to Apple's dedicated website starting Monday in the United States. You can reserve an Apple Vision Pro demo starting Monday If you want to reserve a demo for the Vision Pro, simply head over to this page on Apple's official website. You will be required to visit your local Apple Store for the demo. If […]

Zuckerberg is Unhappy With Apple’s App Store Changes, Calls Them ‘So Onerous’ and ‘Difficult to Seriously Entertain’

Apple is introducing a wide range of changes with the release of iOS 17.4 in March. The company is bound to allow alternative app stores on the iPhone, and the ability to sideload apps from outside the official App Store. However, the changes are slated to occur in the countries under the European Union. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is unhappy with the changes Apple brings forward under the Digital Markets Act. Apple's compliance with the EU regulations was criticized by Meta CEO, calling it 'onerous' Mark Zuckerberg spoke to investors at Meta's earnings call on Thursday, stating that Apple's forthcoming […]

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