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Apple Might Launch Its Own Smart Home Camera As It Focuses On Providing A More Integrated Product Experience For Its Users

Apple is increasingly focusing on building its own devices and expanding its ecosystem by taking steps towards a more native experience for users and relying less on third-party accessories. While the Cupertino-based tech giant's HomePod and AppleTV have left quite the mark in the smart home category, it generally relies more on outsourcing cameras and other hardware for smart homes. Now, a new report suggests that the company intends to create a fully integrated experience by developing its own smart home accessories. Gurman hints about Apple working on making smart home products like security cameras for a more integrated experience […]

Best of Black Friday 2024 – power stations and bundles: Anker SOLIX, Bluetti, EcoFlow, Jackery

We’re continuing our Best of Black Friday posts today with a look at the best current deals on power stations and their respective bundle options. Folks across the country and beyond have been steadily investing more and more in the industry for a vari...

World Of Warcraft Is Finally Getting Player Homes After 20 Years

Blizzard has announced that two decades after its release, World of Warcraft is finally going to let players build a home and live in it. The feature has long been requested by WoW players and now it’s finally coming in the game’s next expansion.Read m...

ArenaNet To Release ‘Godspawn’ Update for Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds on November 19, Featuring New 50-Player Titan Battle and More

Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds will receive the Godspawn update, adding a new 50-player boss battle, a new 10-player raid, and a legendary spear. Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds is getting the first major update "Godspawn" on November 19th, expanding the story with new story chapters The MMORPG Guild Wars 2 by ArenaNet is receiving its first major update for the Janthir Wilds expansion soon. It's the first of three major updates, and it'll land on November 19. The update will add new content to the game for the players. The Janthir Wilds expansion DLC was released in August this year, […]

Developers Can Now Submit Their Apps On The App Store With Support For iOS 18, As Apple Opens The Window

The final release of iOS 18 is approaching fast as the company's biggest update for the iPhone is expected to be released on September 16 alongside watchOS 11 and macOS 11. The company has now instructed developers to submit their updated apps on the App Store with support for iOS 18 and the decision includes apps for the Apple Watch as well as Macs. Apple asks developers to submit their apps with iOS 18 support ahead of its release on September 16 Apple recently held the "It's Glowtime" event this week, and soon after it was over, the company saw […]

Apple Releases iOS 18, iPadOS 18, watchOS 11, macOS 15, And More Release Candidate Builds To Developers

Today, Apple has seen fit to seed the first release candidate build of its forthcoming iOS 18, iPadOS 18, watchOS 11, macOS 15 and other updates. The latest updates arrive soon after the company announced the new iPhone 16 lineup alongside the new Apple Watch Series 10, which, to be fair, are pretty major upgrades compared to their predecessor. Apple seeds release candidate build of iOS 18, macOS 15, watchOS 11, and additional updates to developers Apple has also announced that it will be releasing the final version of iOS 18 for the general public on September 16, making it […]

Here’s When Apple Will Release iOS 18 Update To The General Public

Apple recently held its big event to announce the iPhone 16 lineup with some pretty nifty upgrades for the next year. We are pretty sure that the device's hardware is more than capable of competing against the competition, and the new forthcoming Apple Intelligence features will play a vital role in pushing the company's AI efforts. Soon after the event, the company announced when iOS 18 and other updates would be released to the general public. Apple has announced the release date of its forthcoming iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 update for the public iOS 18 is a major update […]

Here’s When iOS 18 Release Candidate Update Will Arrive On Your iPhone

iOS 18 is Apple's biggest update for the iPhone for a lot of reasons, and it has been speculated that the update will change how we use our devices. At its WWDC event, Apple announced iOS 18 with the Apple Intelligence platform, which will transform how we use our iPhones and iPads. While the company's iPhone 16 lineup is expected to be announced next week, it brings us to ask when Apple will seed the Release Candidate build of iOS 18 for compatible devices. Apple could seed the release candidate build of iOS 18 and other updates on September 9, […]

Keeper, the Top-Rated Password Manager Is Getting a Massive 50% Discount Ahead of the Holiday Hacking Spree

Password management and security have become critical needs of the hour. As our lives have shifted to the cloud, it’s become crucial to maintain at least some form of security and privacy. While the market is flooded with password managers, they are either unreliable or need tech know-how to be able to comfortably use them, which is a big deterrent for the public. While Wccftech readers are some of the most savvy tech readers on this planet, we have to admit, managing password security for our families hasn’t been easy. That’s until we used Keeper! Built for both novices and […]

Secure Your Microsoft Office Professional Plus Lifetime License for Just $29.99

If you utilize Microsoft Office daily, you’re not alone. Countless individuals use Microsoft Office every day for studying, organizing, writing reports, and managing finances in spreadsheets. However, we know paying a monthly subscription can get tiring, and the costs can add up quickly over time. So, if you use Microsoft Office every day as an individual or a business, you may consider making the switch to secure a lifetime license for Microsoft Office Professional Plus. For just $29.99, this fantastic deal is discounted from $219.99 – an 85% discount that won’t last long. By paying only once, you can get […]

This Workaround Lets You Mimic The Pixel 9 Pro’s Best Camera Feature On The iPhone, But Without AI

Google introduced the Pixel 9 series last month, almost two months earlier than the company's usual October release time. Despite an early release, the Pixel 9 is now more flagship than ever and continues to give high-end phones a tough time. Most of its premium features, similar to the iPhone's Apple Intelligence, focus on AI and the utilities it brings. One of the critical aspects of its AI photography is Add Me, which can now be replicated on an iPhone or any other phone. How to use Pixel 9 Pro's 'Add Me' feature on the iPhone or any other phone […]

Apple Now Wants To Invest In OpenAI, As iOS 18 Release With ChatGPT Support Is Right Around The Corner

Siri is getting a major face-lift this year with the release of iOS 18, and one of the most significant changes it will go through is its integration with ChatGPT. Apple partnered with OpenAI to bring its generative AI technology to the iPhone, but it was reported that the company is not paying anything other than exposure. It is now being reported that Apple is interested in investing in OpenAI and its generative AI technology, which could mean that the company has big plans for the future. Apple's plans to invest in OpenAI could stretch far beyond standard AI features, […]

Apple Intelligence Is Now Open For All, As Apple Removes Region Lock To US In Latest Betas

Apple released the third developer beta of iOS 18.1, iPadOS 18.1, and macOS 15.1, with a handful of new changes, most of which revolve around Apple Intelligence. Apple has spent a lot of time perfecting the technology since its initial announcement at WWDC, but the service was restricted to the US audience. The latest beta builds suggest that Apple Intelligence will not be locked to the US, but the US English language is still a requirement. Apple no longer requires you to change your region if you want to use Apple Intelligence outside of the US It was noted in […]

Apple Has Released iOS 18.1 And macOS 15.1 Beta 3 With Two Major Apple Intelligence Features

It is a busy day for developers as Apple has not only released beta 8 of iOS 18 but also seeded beta 3 of iOS 18.1, iPadOS 18.1, and macOS 15.1 with all the new Apple intelligence goodness. We have already covered the release of iOS 18 and the rest of the updates, which you can check out for more details on download and installation. iOS 18.1, iPadOS 18.1, and macOS 15.1 offer new Apple Intelligence features, which you can check out right now on your iPhone 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max. Apple has released iOS 18.1, iPadOS 18.1, […]

Apple Releases Beta 8 Of iOS 18 And Additional Updates To Developers, Possibly The Last Beta Ahead Of iPhone 16 Debut

Apple is on the verge of announcing the release of candidate builds of iOS 18, but we will not get it until the company debuts the new iPhone 16 lineup. However, the new iOS 18 beta 8 is here, which will possibly be the last update before the company's big 'It's Glowtime' event. Other than iOS 18 and iPadOS 18, Apple has also released beta 8 of watchOS 11. macOS 15, visionOS 2, and more updates. Apple has released iOS 18, iPadOS 18 beta 8 alongside watchOS 11, visionOS 2, macOS 15, and tvOS 18 to developers If you are […]

After 13 Years, Snapchat’s Latest Move May Push WhatsApp And Instagram To Finally Launch A Native iPad App

Snap has finally decided to release a native app for a bigger display of the iPad, and the update arrives 13 years after the app's debut on the iPhone and Android devices. While Snap has taken a step towards a bigger screen, Meta resists the idea of bringing the Instagram and WhatsApp apps to the iPad, and the social media giant could learn from the approach. Snapchat has released a native app for iPad, possibly leading the way for Instagram and WhatsApp to follow If you are unaware, users have been demanding a dedicated WhatsApp and Instagram app for the […]

Tag: Software

Developers Can Now Submit Their Apps On The App Store With Support For iOS 18, As Apple Opens The Window

The final release of iOS 18 is approaching fast as the company's biggest update for the iPhone is expected to be released on September 16 alongside watchOS 11 and macOS 11. The company has now instructed developers to submit their updated apps on the App Store with support for iOS 18 and the decision includes apps for the Apple Watch as well as Macs. Apple asks developers to submit their apps with iOS 18 support ahead of its release on September 16 Apple recently held the "It's Glowtime" event this week, and soon after it was over, the company saw […]

Apple Releases iOS 18, iPadOS 18, watchOS 11, macOS 15, And More Release Candidate Builds To Developers

Today, Apple has seen fit to seed the first release candidate build of its forthcoming iOS 18, iPadOS 18, watchOS 11, macOS 15 and other updates. The latest updates arrive soon after the company announced the new iPhone 16 lineup alongside the new Apple Watch Series 10, which, to be fair, are pretty major upgrades compared to their predecessor. Apple seeds release candidate build of iOS 18, macOS 15, watchOS 11, and additional updates to developers Apple has also announced that it will be releasing the final version of iOS 18 for the general public on September 16, making it […]

Here’s When Apple Will Release iOS 18 Update To The General Public

Apple recently held its big event to announce the iPhone 16 lineup with some pretty nifty upgrades for the next year. We are pretty sure that the device's hardware is more than capable of competing against the competition, and the new forthcoming Apple Intelligence features will play a vital role in pushing the company's AI efforts. Soon after the event, the company announced when iOS 18 and other updates would be released to the general public. Apple has announced the release date of its forthcoming iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 update for the public iOS 18 is a major update […]

Here’s When iOS 18 Release Candidate Update Will Arrive On Your iPhone

iOS 18 is Apple's biggest update for the iPhone for a lot of reasons, and it has been speculated that the update will change how we use our devices. At its WWDC event, Apple announced iOS 18 with the Apple Intelligence platform, which will transform how we use our iPhones and iPads. While the company's iPhone 16 lineup is expected to be announced next week, it brings us to ask when Apple will seed the Release Candidate build of iOS 18 for compatible devices. Apple could seed the release candidate build of iOS 18 and other updates on September 9, […]

Keeper, the Top-Rated Password Manager Is Getting a Massive 50% Discount Ahead of the Holiday Hacking Spree

Password management and security have become critical needs of the hour. As our lives have shifted to the cloud, it’s become crucial to maintain at least some form of security and privacy. While the market is flooded with password managers, they are either unreliable or need tech know-how to be able to comfortably use them, which is a big deterrent for the public. While Wccftech readers are some of the most savvy tech readers on this planet, we have to admit, managing password security for our families hasn’t been easy. That’s until we used Keeper! Built for both novices and […]

Secure Your Microsoft Office Professional Plus Lifetime License for Just $29.99

If you utilize Microsoft Office daily, you’re not alone. Countless individuals use Microsoft Office every day for studying, organizing, writing reports, and managing finances in spreadsheets. However, we know paying a monthly subscription can get tiring, and the costs can add up quickly over time. So, if you use Microsoft Office every day as an individual or a business, you may consider making the switch to secure a lifetime license for Microsoft Office Professional Plus. For just $29.99, this fantastic deal is discounted from $219.99 – an 85% discount that won’t last long. By paying only once, you can get […]

This Workaround Lets You Mimic The Pixel 9 Pro’s Best Camera Feature On The iPhone, But Without AI

Google introduced the Pixel 9 series last month, almost two months earlier than the company's usual October release time. Despite an early release, the Pixel 9 is now more flagship than ever and continues to give high-end phones a tough time. Most of its premium features, similar to the iPhone's Apple Intelligence, focus on AI and the utilities it brings. One of the critical aspects of its AI photography is Add Me, which can now be replicated on an iPhone or any other phone. How to use Pixel 9 Pro's 'Add Me' feature on the iPhone or any other phone […]

Apple Now Wants To Invest In OpenAI, As iOS 18 Release With ChatGPT Support Is Right Around The Corner

Siri is getting a major face-lift this year with the release of iOS 18, and one of the most significant changes it will go through is its integration with ChatGPT. Apple partnered with OpenAI to bring its generative AI technology to the iPhone, but it was reported that the company is not paying anything other than exposure. It is now being reported that Apple is interested in investing in OpenAI and its generative AI technology, which could mean that the company has big plans for the future. Apple's plans to invest in OpenAI could stretch far beyond standard AI features, […]

Apple Intelligence Is Now Open For All, As Apple Removes Region Lock To US In Latest Betas

Apple released the third developer beta of iOS 18.1, iPadOS 18.1, and macOS 15.1, with a handful of new changes, most of which revolve around Apple Intelligence. Apple has spent a lot of time perfecting the technology since its initial announcement at WWDC, but the service was restricted to the US audience. The latest beta builds suggest that Apple Intelligence will not be locked to the US, but the US English language is still a requirement. Apple no longer requires you to change your region if you want to use Apple Intelligence outside of the US It was noted in […]

Apple Has Released iOS 18.1 And macOS 15.1 Beta 3 With Two Major Apple Intelligence Features

It is a busy day for developers as Apple has not only released beta 8 of iOS 18 but also seeded beta 3 of iOS 18.1, iPadOS 18.1, and macOS 15.1 with all the new Apple intelligence goodness. We have already covered the release of iOS 18 and the rest of the updates, which you can check out for more details on download and installation. iOS 18.1, iPadOS 18.1, and macOS 15.1 offer new Apple Intelligence features, which you can check out right now on your iPhone 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max. Apple has released iOS 18.1, iPadOS 18.1, […]

Apple Releases Beta 8 Of iOS 18 And Additional Updates To Developers, Possibly The Last Beta Ahead Of iPhone 16 Debut

Apple is on the verge of announcing the release of candidate builds of iOS 18, but we will not get it until the company debuts the new iPhone 16 lineup. However, the new iOS 18 beta 8 is here, which will possibly be the last update before the company's big 'It's Glowtime' event. Other than iOS 18 and iPadOS 18, Apple has also released beta 8 of watchOS 11. macOS 15, visionOS 2, and more updates. Apple has released iOS 18, iPadOS 18 beta 8 alongside watchOS 11, visionOS 2, macOS 15, and tvOS 18 to developers If you are […]

After 13 Years, Snapchat’s Latest Move May Push WhatsApp And Instagram To Finally Launch A Native iPad App

Snap has finally decided to release a native app for a bigger display of the iPad, and the update arrives 13 years after the app's debut on the iPhone and Android devices. While Snap has taken a step towards a bigger screen, Meta resists the idea of bringing the Instagram and WhatsApp apps to the iPad, and the social media giant could learn from the approach. Snapchat has released a native app for iPad, possibly leading the way for Instagram and WhatsApp to follow If you are unaware, users have been demanding a dedicated WhatsApp and Instagram app for the […]

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