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Apple Might Launch Its Own Smart Home Camera As It Focuses On Providing A More Integrated Product Experience For Its Users

Apple is increasingly focusing on building its own devices and expanding its ecosystem by taking steps towards a more native experience for users and relying less on third-party accessories. While the Cupertino-based tech giant's HomePod and AppleTV have left quite the mark in the smart home category, it generally relies more on outsourcing cameras and other hardware for smart homes. Now, a new report suggests that the company intends to create a fully integrated experience by developing its own smart home accessories. Gurman hints about Apple working on making smart home products like security cameras for a more integrated experience […]

Best of Black Friday 2024 – power stations and bundles: Anker SOLIX, Bluetti, EcoFlow, Jackery

We’re continuing our Best of Black Friday posts today with a look at the best current deals on power stations and their respective bundle options. Folks across the country and beyond have been steadily investing more and more in the industry for a vari...

World Of Warcraft Is Finally Getting Player Homes After 20 Years

Blizzard has announced that two decades after its release, World of Warcraft is finally going to let players build a home and live in it. The feature has long been requested by WoW players and now it’s finally coming in the game’s next expansion.Read m...

ArenaNet To Release ‘Godspawn’ Update for Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds on November 19, Featuring New 50-Player Titan Battle and More

Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds will receive the Godspawn update, adding a new 50-player boss battle, a new 10-player raid, and a legendary spear. Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds is getting the first major update "Godspawn" on November 19th, expanding the story with new story chapters The MMORPG Guild Wars 2 by ArenaNet is receiving its first major update for the Janthir Wilds expansion soon. It's the first of three major updates, and it'll land on November 19. The update will add new content to the game for the players. The Janthir Wilds expansion DLC was released in August this year, […]

Report: Sony stops producing PSVR2 amid “surplus” of unsold units

Pricy tethered headset falters after the modest success of original PSVR.

Sony Reportedly Halts PSVR2 Production As Headsets Fail To Sell

The PlayStation VR2 is struggling, it seems. According to a March 17 Bloomberg report, Sony has paused of the PS5’s virtual reality headset after its initial supply has failed to pick up sales momentum, resulting in an overflow of unsold stock.Read mor...

PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution’s Goal Is to Deliver 4K/120 FPS, 8K/60 FPS Gameplay, but Not on PS5 Pro

The main internal goal of the PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution upscaler is to deliver 4K, 120 frames per second and 8K, 60 frames per second gameplay, although it won't be achieved on PlayStation 5 Pro due to hardware limitations. A new report by Insider Gaming reveals some additional information on Sony's yet-to-be-revealed upscaler, which will debut with the PlayStation 5 Pro. According to the report, the PS5 Pro's PSSR currently supports 4K resolution and is aiming for 4K, 60 FPS and 8K, 30 FPS, but the goal for the future is to hit the 4K, 120 FPS, and 8K, 60 […]

PlayStation 6 Backward Compatibility May Have Something to Do With PS5 Pro Limited CPU Improvements

The PlayStation 5 Pro CPU 10% boost over the base model's could have something to do with PlayStation 6 backward compatibility, according to a well-known AMD leaker. Speaking on X/Twitter, Kepler commented on the limited CPU boost of the upcoming system, saying that it could be related to backward compatibility with the next-generation system. The way Sony handled backward compatibility, Kepler said, is complex and required new hardware to run at the same or higher clock speed even if the new hardware is faster at lower clock speeds. If Sony is using Zen 6 dense cores for the PlayStation 6, […]

PlayStation 5 Pro CPU Will Boost to 3,85 GHz With High CPU Frequency Mode; Will Use RDNA 4’s RT Engine

Additional details on the PlayStation 5 Pro specs emerged online today, highlighting boosts for CPU and system memory performance and other GPU details. A new report by Insider Gaming reveals how the console's CPU will be identical to that of the base model, but the system's High CPU Frequency mode will take it to 3,85 GHz, a 10% boost over the standard PS5. System memory also sees a 28% boost over the base model, going from 448 GB/s to 576 GB/s. Audio will also improve, with the console's ACV running at a higher clock speed. New details on the PlayStation […]

PlayStation 5 Pro Will Offer 45% Faster Rendering, up to 3x Ray Tracing Performance Than Base Model; Spectral Super Resolution To Support up to...

The PlayStation 5 Pro rendering is said to be about 45% faster than the base model, and its ray tracing performance double to triple that of the original console, according to rumors circulating online. In a new YouTube video, Moore's Law is Dead shared an alleged leaked document that provides new information on Sony's current generation hardware refresh. The console will come with three key features, which include a larger GPU with faster system memory, which will provide a 45% faster rendering over the base model, a better ray tracing architecture, which will deliver up to three times, four times […]

What The Great Web Leaks Could Tell Us About Future Spider-Man Games

Earlier this week, a trailer for a purportedly canned multiplayer Spider-Man title from Insomniac Games leaked online. Called Spider-Man: The Great Web, the multiplayer spinoff would’ve allowed a number of iterations on the character to tackle crime, a...

One Of The Best Marvel Games In Years Is Coming To PS Plus Soon

It’s once again time for Sony to unveil which games are being added to its PlayStation Plus service and its various tiers in the second half of March. The list features some solid choices, including a Jak and Daxter game, the Resident Evil 3 remake, a ...

Lost, circa-2008 Timesplitters 4 prototype discovered on PS3 dev kit

Redditor paid a reported $670 to rescue the unit and archive the game for posterity.

Spider-Man: The Great Web Co-op Game Leak Looks Like Solo Titles, Introduces Spider-Gwen

Does a co-op multiplayer Spider-Man game from Insomniac sound like something you’d want to play? Well, sorry, while it was in the works, it’s no longer in production. For a while we heard rumblings a multiplayer Spidey project was happening, but then as part of Sony’s recent step back from their (over) ambitious live service plans, the project was reportedly canceled. And that would usually be that, but the massive Insomniac Games leak from late last year is still yielding new information, including a trailer for that canceled multiplayer project, entitled Spider-Man: The Great Web. While we won’t embed the […]

Ex-PlayStation Boss Has Mixed Feelings About Console Exclusives

During the PS4 and PS5 era, PlayStation has established itself as a destination platform for exclusive series like Spider-Man, God of War, and The Last of Us. And now, former PlayStation boss Shawn Layden, who ran Sony’s gaming division from 2014 to 20...

PS5 Pro Shouldn’t Be Expected to Deliver Double FPS Over Base Model, Based on Specs Alone; New Upscaling Patent Suggests Evolution of Checkerboard Rendering

The PS5 Pro performance shouldn't be expected to be double the framerate in GPU-limited scenarios over the base model based on specs alone, according to a recent analysis. Speaking in a new video, Digital Foundry's Richard Leadbetter, Alexander Battaglia, and John Linneman commented on the rumored hardware refresh from Sony and the level of performance that should be expected out of it, saying that it is difficult to predict as of now based on the rumored specs alone. Unlike with the PlayStation 4 Pro, this time around, we are not getting double the number of CUs, so the increased clock […]

Tag: Sony

Report: Sony stops producing PSVR2 amid “surplus” of unsold units

Pricy tethered headset falters after the modest success of original PSVR.

Sony Reportedly Halts PSVR2 Production As Headsets Fail To Sell

The PlayStation VR2 is struggling, it seems. According to a March 17 Bloomberg report, Sony has paused of the PS5’s virtual reality headset after its initial supply has failed to pick up sales momentum, resulting in an overflow of unsold stock.Read mor...

PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution’s Goal Is to Deliver 4K/120 FPS, 8K/60 FPS Gameplay, but Not on PS5 Pro

The main internal goal of the PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution upscaler is to deliver 4K, 120 frames per second and 8K, 60 frames per second gameplay, although it won't be achieved on PlayStation 5 Pro due to hardware limitations. A new report by Insider Gaming reveals some additional information on Sony's yet-to-be-revealed upscaler, which will debut with the PlayStation 5 Pro. According to the report, the PS5 Pro's PSSR currently supports 4K resolution and is aiming for 4K, 60 FPS and 8K, 30 FPS, but the goal for the future is to hit the 4K, 120 FPS, and 8K, 60 […]

PlayStation 6 Backward Compatibility May Have Something to Do With PS5 Pro Limited CPU Improvements

The PlayStation 5 Pro CPU 10% boost over the base model's could have something to do with PlayStation 6 backward compatibility, according to a well-known AMD leaker. Speaking on X/Twitter, Kepler commented on the limited CPU boost of the upcoming system, saying that it could be related to backward compatibility with the next-generation system. The way Sony handled backward compatibility, Kepler said, is complex and required new hardware to run at the same or higher clock speed even if the new hardware is faster at lower clock speeds. If Sony is using Zen 6 dense cores for the PlayStation 6, […]

PlayStation 5 Pro CPU Will Boost to 3,85 GHz With High CPU Frequency Mode; Will Use RDNA 4’s RT Engine

Additional details on the PlayStation 5 Pro specs emerged online today, highlighting boosts for CPU and system memory performance and other GPU details. A new report by Insider Gaming reveals how the console's CPU will be identical to that of the base model, but the system's High CPU Frequency mode will take it to 3,85 GHz, a 10% boost over the standard PS5. System memory also sees a 28% boost over the base model, going from 448 GB/s to 576 GB/s. Audio will also improve, with the console's ACV running at a higher clock speed. New details on the PlayStation […]

PlayStation 5 Pro Will Offer 45% Faster Rendering, up to 3x Ray Tracing Performance Than Base Model; Spectral Super Resolution To Support up to...

The PlayStation 5 Pro rendering is said to be about 45% faster than the base model, and its ray tracing performance double to triple that of the original console, according to rumors circulating online. In a new YouTube video, Moore's Law is Dead shared an alleged leaked document that provides new information on Sony's current generation hardware refresh. The console will come with three key features, which include a larger GPU with faster system memory, which will provide a 45% faster rendering over the base model, a better ray tracing architecture, which will deliver up to three times, four times […]

What The Great Web Leaks Could Tell Us About Future Spider-Man Games

Earlier this week, a trailer for a purportedly canned multiplayer Spider-Man title from Insomniac Games leaked online. Called Spider-Man: The Great Web, the multiplayer spinoff would’ve allowed a number of iterations on the character to tackle crime, a...

One Of The Best Marvel Games In Years Is Coming To PS Plus Soon

It’s once again time for Sony to unveil which games are being added to its PlayStation Plus service and its various tiers in the second half of March. The list features some solid choices, including a Jak and Daxter game, the Resident Evil 3 remake, a ...

Lost, circa-2008 Timesplitters 4 prototype discovered on PS3 dev kit

Redditor paid a reported $670 to rescue the unit and archive the game for posterity.

Spider-Man: The Great Web Co-op Game Leak Looks Like Solo Titles, Introduces Spider-Gwen

Does a co-op multiplayer Spider-Man game from Insomniac sound like something you’d want to play? Well, sorry, while it was in the works, it’s no longer in production. For a while we heard rumblings a multiplayer Spidey project was happening, but then as part of Sony’s recent step back from their (over) ambitious live service plans, the project was reportedly canceled. And that would usually be that, but the massive Insomniac Games leak from late last year is still yielding new information, including a trailer for that canceled multiplayer project, entitled Spider-Man: The Great Web. While we won’t embed the […]

Ex-PlayStation Boss Has Mixed Feelings About Console Exclusives

During the PS4 and PS5 era, PlayStation has established itself as a destination platform for exclusive series like Spider-Man, God of War, and The Last of Us. And now, former PlayStation boss Shawn Layden, who ran Sony’s gaming division from 2014 to 20...

PS5 Pro Shouldn’t Be Expected to Deliver Double FPS Over Base Model, Based on Specs Alone; New Upscaling Patent Suggests Evolution of Checkerboard Rendering

The PS5 Pro performance shouldn't be expected to be double the framerate in GPU-limited scenarios over the base model based on specs alone, according to a recent analysis. Speaking in a new video, Digital Foundry's Richard Leadbetter, Alexander Battaglia, and John Linneman commented on the rumored hardware refresh from Sony and the level of performance that should be expected out of it, saying that it is difficult to predict as of now based on the rumored specs alone. Unlike with the PlayStation 4 Pro, this time around, we are not getting double the number of CUs, so the increased clock […]

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