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Apple Might Launch Its Own Smart Home Camera As It Focuses On Providing A More Integrated Product Experience For Its Users

Apple is increasingly focusing on building its own devices and expanding its ecosystem by taking steps towards a more native experience for users and relying less on third-party accessories. While the Cupertino-based tech giant's HomePod and AppleTV have left quite the mark in the smart home category, it generally relies more on outsourcing cameras and other hardware for smart homes. Now, a new report suggests that the company intends to create a fully integrated experience by developing its own smart home accessories. Gurman hints about Apple working on making smart home products like security cameras for a more integrated experience […]

Best of Black Friday 2024 – power stations and bundles: Anker SOLIX, Bluetti, EcoFlow, Jackery

We’re continuing our Best of Black Friday posts today with a look at the best current deals on power stations and their respective bundle options. Folks across the country and beyond have been steadily investing more and more in the industry for a vari...

World Of Warcraft Is Finally Getting Player Homes After 20 Years

Blizzard has announced that two decades after its release, World of Warcraft is finally going to let players build a home and live in it. The feature has long been requested by WoW players and now it’s finally coming in the game’s next expansion.Read m...

ArenaNet To Release ‘Godspawn’ Update for Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds on November 19, Featuring New 50-Player Titan Battle and More

Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds will receive the Godspawn update, adding a new 50-player boss battle, a new 10-player raid, and a legendary spear. Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds is getting the first major update "Godspawn" on November 19th, expanding the story with new story chapters The MMORPG Guild Wars 2 by ArenaNet is receiving its first major update for the Janthir Wilds expansion soon. It's the first of three major updates, and it'll land on November 19. The update will add new content to the game for the players. The Janthir Wilds expansion DLC was released in August this year, […]

Here’s How Today’s Best-Selling Games Compare To Those From 20 Years Ago

Today’s most popular and best-selling games often include expensive first-party exclusives, big multiplayer hits, and aging titles like GTA V that stick around years after launch. But that wasn’t the case 20 years ago, as seen in newly published sales ...

Greedy Publishers Have Won And Normalized Paying To Play Early

Last year, a growing trend saw AAA video game publishers offering early access to new games if you pre-ordered a pricey special edition version. I worried then that if some publishers were successful in locking games behind a ransom fee, many others wo...

Resident Evil 7 Is The Latest AAA Port To Flop On iPhone

New data shows that Resident Evil 7, which was recently ported to iOS devices, was purchased and downloaded by less than 2,000 players, yet another example of big games failing to succeed on Apple’s powerful portable devices. Read more...

Grab 10 Games For Just $15 Before The Xbox 360 Store Shuts Down Forever

Microsoft has issued its final price update for all digital Xbox 360 games before the console’s marketplace goes offline for good on July 29. That means you can get a bunch of good old games for very cheap right now. And as a tribute to its most succes...

The 21 Best Amazon Prime Day 2024 Gaming Deals

Happy Amazon Prime Day! Amazon Prime Day 2024 started earlier today and lasts until the end of July 17. Yes, Prime Day is actually two days. It’s weird. Anyway, there are some good deals to be found on Xbox consoles, new video games, storage devices, a...

You Can Play Xbox Games Without An Xbox For Under $100

Microsoft just announced that it’s bringing its worsening subscription service Game Pass, which gives access to a revolving catalog of first-and-third party titles for a monthly fee, to Amazon’s Fire Sticks in a continued bid to expand outside of the X...

Jackass Star Steve-O Got Paid $100,000 For Appearing In NFL 2K5

Jackass and Wildboyz star Steve-O isn’t a big video game player, but he has appeared in a few games over the years. And according to the stunt performer and podcaster, he got paid pretty well to appear in NFL 2K5. Meanwhile, his role in a Tony Hawk gam...

My Lengthy, Frustrating Quest To Become A PC Gamer

Growing up, the sole PC I had access to was an ancient Dell that my dad used for work and softball scheduling, which could only really (barely) run The Sims 2. My parents were jocks and didn’t understand how anyone would pay thousands of dollars for a ...

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6’s First Beta Weekend Is Closer Than You Think

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 is the first game in the series that won’t be giving PlayStation players exclusive entry into its early access beta. Instead, the Gulf War-era shooter will arrive simultaneously on all platforms, including Xbox and PC, start...

Kendrick Lamar’s “Not Like Us” Diss Track Gets A Free Chiptune Clicker Tribute

Kendrick Lamar’s epic “Not Like Us” diss track has become the de facto song of the summer (as well as an all-time hater anthem) after effectively ending the short-lived, but all too entertaining beef with the Toronto rapper Drake. Just about every part...

Doom Fans Go Too Far, Port The Shooter To A Sex Toy

Hello readers, I bring forth yet another Doom port. This time someone has ported the classic and beloved shooter—famously playable on nearly every device—to an electronic fleshlight (a sex toy molded after a body part that you can stick your bits in). ...

This Deal On Game Pass Ultimate Will Save You A Bunch Before The Price Hike

Microsoft is raising the price of every tier of Xbox Game Pass starting July 10. Fortunately, you can save a good chunk of change on the most expensive tier through a current Amazon deal. Stacking a year’s worth of monthly subscriptions with this offer...

Tag: technology internet

Here’s How Today’s Best-Selling Games Compare To Those From 20 Years Ago

Today’s most popular and best-selling games often include expensive first-party exclusives, big multiplayer hits, and aging titles like GTA V that stick around years after launch. But that wasn’t the case 20 years ago, as seen in newly published sales ...

Greedy Publishers Have Won And Normalized Paying To Play Early

Last year, a growing trend saw AAA video game publishers offering early access to new games if you pre-ordered a pricey special edition version. I worried then that if some publishers were successful in locking games behind a ransom fee, many others wo...

Resident Evil 7 Is The Latest AAA Port To Flop On iPhone

New data shows that Resident Evil 7, which was recently ported to iOS devices, was purchased and downloaded by less than 2,000 players, yet another example of big games failing to succeed on Apple’s powerful portable devices. Read more...

Grab 10 Games For Just $15 Before The Xbox 360 Store Shuts Down Forever

Microsoft has issued its final price update for all digital Xbox 360 games before the console’s marketplace goes offline for good on July 29. That means you can get a bunch of good old games for very cheap right now. And as a tribute to its most succes...

The 21 Best Amazon Prime Day 2024 Gaming Deals

Happy Amazon Prime Day! Amazon Prime Day 2024 started earlier today and lasts until the end of July 17. Yes, Prime Day is actually two days. It’s weird. Anyway, there are some good deals to be found on Xbox consoles, new video games, storage devices, a...

You Can Play Xbox Games Without An Xbox For Under $100

Microsoft just announced that it’s bringing its worsening subscription service Game Pass, which gives access to a revolving catalog of first-and-third party titles for a monthly fee, to Amazon’s Fire Sticks in a continued bid to expand outside of the X...

Jackass Star Steve-O Got Paid $100,000 For Appearing In NFL 2K5

Jackass and Wildboyz star Steve-O isn’t a big video game player, but he has appeared in a few games over the years. And according to the stunt performer and podcaster, he got paid pretty well to appear in NFL 2K5. Meanwhile, his role in a Tony Hawk gam...

My Lengthy, Frustrating Quest To Become A PC Gamer

Growing up, the sole PC I had access to was an ancient Dell that my dad used for work and softball scheduling, which could only really (barely) run The Sims 2. My parents were jocks and didn’t understand how anyone would pay thousands of dollars for a ...

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6’s First Beta Weekend Is Closer Than You Think

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 is the first game in the series that won’t be giving PlayStation players exclusive entry into its early access beta. Instead, the Gulf War-era shooter will arrive simultaneously on all platforms, including Xbox and PC, start...

Kendrick Lamar’s “Not Like Us” Diss Track Gets A Free Chiptune Clicker Tribute

Kendrick Lamar’s epic “Not Like Us” diss track has become the de facto song of the summer (as well as an all-time hater anthem) after effectively ending the short-lived, but all too entertaining beef with the Toronto rapper Drake. Just about every part...

Doom Fans Go Too Far, Port The Shooter To A Sex Toy

Hello readers, I bring forth yet another Doom port. This time someone has ported the classic and beloved shooter—famously playable on nearly every device—to an electronic fleshlight (a sex toy molded after a body part that you can stick your bits in). ...

This Deal On Game Pass Ultimate Will Save You A Bunch Before The Price Hike

Microsoft is raising the price of every tier of Xbox Game Pass starting July 10. Fortunately, you can save a good chunk of change on the most expensive tier through a current Amazon deal. Stacking a year’s worth of monthly subscriptions with this offer...

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