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Apple Might Launch Its Own Smart Home Camera As It Focuses On Providing A More Integrated Product Experience For Its Users

Apple is increasingly focusing on building its own devices and expanding its ecosystem by taking steps towards a more native experience for users and relying less on third-party accessories. While the Cupertino-based tech giant's HomePod and AppleTV have left quite the mark in the smart home category, it generally relies more on outsourcing cameras and other hardware for smart homes. Now, a new report suggests that the company intends to create a fully integrated experience by developing its own smart home accessories. Gurman hints about Apple working on making smart home products like security cameras for a more integrated experience […]

Best of Black Friday 2024 – power stations and bundles: Anker SOLIX, Bluetti, EcoFlow, Jackery

We’re continuing our Best of Black Friday posts today with a look at the best current deals on power stations and their respective bundle options. Folks across the country and beyond have been steadily investing more and more in the industry for a vari...

World Of Warcraft Is Finally Getting Player Homes After 20 Years

Blizzard has announced that two decades after its release, World of Warcraft is finally going to let players build a home and live in it. The feature has long been requested by WoW players and now it’s finally coming in the game’s next expansion.Read m...

ArenaNet To Release ‘Godspawn’ Update for Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds on November 19, Featuring New 50-Player Titan Battle and More

Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds will receive the Godspawn update, adding a new 50-player boss battle, a new 10-player raid, and a legendary spear. Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds is getting the first major update "Godspawn" on November 19th, expanding the story with new story chapters The MMORPG Guild Wars 2 by ArenaNet is receiving its first major update for the Janthir Wilds expansion soon. It's the first of three major updates, and it'll land on November 19. The update will add new content to the game for the players. The Janthir Wilds expansion DLC was released in August this year, […]

Halloween Getting Unreal Engine 5 Game, John Carpenter Involved

Halloween is a beloved horror franchise and one of the classics. Yesterday, IGN announced that two games are in production for the Halloween franchise. They are being developed by Boss Team Games, which is responsible for creating the Evil Dead and Cobra Kai games. At the moment, the details of what these Halloween games may entail are incredibly limited. Still, it has been confirmed that both are being made in conjunction with John Carpenter, the original creator of the 1978 classic. What is known is that at least one of the games being made is being made in Unreal Engine […]

Unreal Engine 5 Continues to Prove Extremely Demanding on Consoles With Marvel Rivals; Xbox Series S Resolution Drops as Low as 540p

The Unreal Engine 5 continues to prove extremely demanding for current consoles, leading to extremely low resolutions and visual cutbacks on the weakest current generation console, the Xbox Series S. In a new video shared online yesterday, the tech experts at Digital Foundry took a good look at the Marvel Rivals beta's technical features, visuals, and performance on consoles and PC. Regarding some of the engine's defining features, the beta uses Lumen Global Illumination on both PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X but falls back to screen space reflections instead of the Lumen Reflections available in the PC version. This […]

Unreal Engine 5 Makes Running Games at Native 4K Resolution a Challenge on an RTX 4080

The NVIDIA RTX 4080 GPU is among the most powerful available on the market, but even so, it struggles quite a bit running Unreal Engine 5 games at native 4K resolution with decent performance. A new comparison video shared by MxBenchmarkPC highlights how the NVIDIA GPU has trouble running the vast majority of Unreal Engine 5 games, such as Nobody Wants to Die, Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2, Lords of the Fallen, The First Descendant and Remnant 2, at native 4K resolution at framerates higher than 30 FPS. Only with the help of NVIDIA DLSS, the GPU can reach 60 FPS […]

The Witcher 4 “Polaris” Being Developed Using Unreal Engine 5 Could Lead to Stuttering Issues Improvements in All Titles Powered by the Engine

The Witcher 4, also known as the "Polaris" project, will be the first entry in the series to be powered by the Unreal Engine 5. While this was definitely disappointing to learn for a lot of fans due to the known stuttering issues of the engine, the move could lead to some improvements that could benefit all of the games powered by the ending. According to the tech experts at Digital Foundry, if there is one development team that could solve the stuttering issues plaguing the engine, it is CD Projekt Red. Also, the team is well aware of them, […]

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Morthal Looks Stunning Remade In Unreal Engine 5.4 With Nanite and Lumen

Morthal may not be among the most stunning locations in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, but even a small city like it can look stunning with the help of modern technology. Leo Torres, who has been remaking towns and cities from the fifth entry in the series by Bethesda using Unreal Engine 5, shared today a new video showcasing recreation of the city with lore-accurate scale made in the 5.4 version of the engine as well as Nanite for all models and foliage and Lumen for global illumination and reflections. Needless to say, the end results look incredible, giving the […]

Unreal Engine 5 Fantasy Ruins Tech Demo Annihilates Performance With Lumen and Nanite at 1080p On an RTX 4080

Some Unreal Engine 5 features, such as Lumen and Nanite, can significantly improve visuals in certain scenarios, but their performance is rather considerable. A new comparison video shared by Cycu1 put the Medieval Fantasy Ruins tech demo by Scans Factory running with Lumen and Nanite and with the standard pipeline side-by-side, highlighting the visual improvements brought by Lumen and Nanite but also their impact on performance. At 1080p resolution, on an RTX 4080, the demo drops from the over 120 FPS of the standard pipeline to the 40, 50 FPS range with Lumen and Nanite at 1080p resolution. This tech […]

Black State is an Impressive-Looking Single Player Third-Person Shooter With Strong Metal Gear Solid Vibes

Turkish developer Motion Blur has announced Black State - an Unreal Engine 5-powered upcoming third-person action adventure that appears to have been inspired by Metal Gear Solid. The new PC title packing strong Metal Gear Solid and Portal vibes was announced by the studio yesterday through an official reveal trailer (courtesy of IGN). We've included the announcement video below alongside some key features of the game. We've also included some impressive-looking screenshots. It has to be said, this pre-alpha footage does look pretty impressive, although it's clear that performance needs to be improved. According to the developer, this new trailer […]

Gorgeous Fallout Unreal Engine 5 Prototype Provides a Glimpse at Future Possibilities

A fan recently created a Fallout Unreal Engine 5 prototype, providing a glimpse at what possibilities the future holds for the popular series by Bethesda. The prototype, which was made by Milwaukee Games, takes advantage of the latest version of the game engine by Epic to recreate the atmosphere the series is known for. The moment the Vault opens, in particular, looks great, as do the open wasteland and the recreation of the iconic Pip-Boy. It has been a while since the release of Fallout 4, so this Fallout Unreal Engine 5 is definitely making us hunger for another proper […]

Beautiful Toy Story Unreal Engine 5 Concept Shows What a Current-Gen Installment Could Look Like

A beautiful new Toy Story Unreal Engine 5 concept video shows what a current-gen Toy Story installment could look like. Created by digital artist 'TeaserPlay', this fan concept video shows a Toy Story imagining within Epic's latest game engine on a modern-day setup. Of course, as with most concept videos from this YouTuber, this is only a teaser video and we likely won't be seeing a modern new Toy Story title anytime soon. Still, there are many fans out there who will likely appreciate this Unreal Engine 5 imagining of Toy Story. Check out the video below and judge for […]

Godot Engine Creator Will Go with Full Path Tracing Instead of a Lumen-Like Hybrid; Nanite-Like System Not Planned

The free cross-platform open-source Godot game-making engine has been around for over ten years now. Created by Argentinian developers Juan Linietsky and Ariel Manzur, it has been used so far by indie developers in games like Deponia, The Case of the Golden Idol, Cassette Beasts, Brotato, and the upcoming Slay the Spire 2. Perhaps the highest-profile game made with Godot was Sonic Colors: Ultimate, developed by Blind Squirrel Games. As with all active engines, Godot is continuously updated by its makers. Last year, they added support for AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.2 and several shader improvements. What's next, though? Well, […]

Turtle WoW 2.0 Server Will Bring Azeroth to Unreal Engine 5 with DLSS and FSR Support

For those unfamiliar with the unofficial World of Warcraft server scene, Turtle WoW is a group of private servers that hosts Mysteries of Azeroth, a fan-made expansion story for World of Warcraft Vanilla that delves deeper into exploring the game's original lore. This expansion aims to take a different path from the Burning Crusade, emphasizing the familiar Azeroth of Vanilla WoW over the cosmic battle with the Burning Legion. Mysteries of Azeroth added a lot to the WoW Vanilla content, including playable races (High Elves for the Alliance and Goblins for the Horde), zones and maps, raids and dungeons, arenas […]

Unreal Engine 5 Full Suite of Features Could Benefit From the PS5 Pro; Impressive Feudal Japan Tech Demo Delivers Great Visuals, but Bad Performance

The Unreal Engine 5 has yet to reach its full potential, but mid-generation refresh hardware like the Playstation 5 Pro could help the engine make the jump in terms of visual quality that many already expected to see. Answering a question from a fan, the tech experts at Digital Foundry highlighted how better console hardware like the rumored Playstation 5 Pro could definitely drive developers to use the full suite of UE5 features, including Lumen and Nanite, delivering higher quality visuals with more stable performance. Even features that are supported by released games could see an improvement. Hellblade II: Senua's […]

Tag: Unreal Engine 5

Halloween Getting Unreal Engine 5 Game, John Carpenter Involved

Halloween is a beloved horror franchise and one of the classics. Yesterday, IGN announced that two games are in production for the Halloween franchise. They are being developed by Boss Team Games, which is responsible for creating the Evil Dead and Cobra Kai games. At the moment, the details of what these Halloween games may entail are incredibly limited. Still, it has been confirmed that both are being made in conjunction with John Carpenter, the original creator of the 1978 classic. What is known is that at least one of the games being made is being made in Unreal Engine […]

Unreal Engine 5 Continues to Prove Extremely Demanding on Consoles With Marvel Rivals; Xbox Series S Resolution Drops as Low as 540p

The Unreal Engine 5 continues to prove extremely demanding for current consoles, leading to extremely low resolutions and visual cutbacks on the weakest current generation console, the Xbox Series S. In a new video shared online yesterday, the tech experts at Digital Foundry took a good look at the Marvel Rivals beta's technical features, visuals, and performance on consoles and PC. Regarding some of the engine's defining features, the beta uses Lumen Global Illumination on both PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X but falls back to screen space reflections instead of the Lumen Reflections available in the PC version. This […]

Unreal Engine 5 Makes Running Games at Native 4K Resolution a Challenge on an RTX 4080

The NVIDIA RTX 4080 GPU is among the most powerful available on the market, but even so, it struggles quite a bit running Unreal Engine 5 games at native 4K resolution with decent performance. A new comparison video shared by MxBenchmarkPC highlights how the NVIDIA GPU has trouble running the vast majority of Unreal Engine 5 games, such as Nobody Wants to Die, Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2, Lords of the Fallen, The First Descendant and Remnant 2, at native 4K resolution at framerates higher than 30 FPS. Only with the help of NVIDIA DLSS, the GPU can reach 60 FPS […]

The Witcher 4 “Polaris” Being Developed Using Unreal Engine 5 Could Lead to Stuttering Issues Improvements in All Titles Powered by the Engine

The Witcher 4, also known as the "Polaris" project, will be the first entry in the series to be powered by the Unreal Engine 5. While this was definitely disappointing to learn for a lot of fans due to the known stuttering issues of the engine, the move could lead to some improvements that could benefit all of the games powered by the ending. According to the tech experts at Digital Foundry, if there is one development team that could solve the stuttering issues plaguing the engine, it is CD Projekt Red. Also, the team is well aware of them, […]

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Morthal Looks Stunning Remade In Unreal Engine 5.4 With Nanite and Lumen

Morthal may not be among the most stunning locations in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, but even a small city like it can look stunning with the help of modern technology. Leo Torres, who has been remaking towns and cities from the fifth entry in the series by Bethesda using Unreal Engine 5, shared today a new video showcasing recreation of the city with lore-accurate scale made in the 5.4 version of the engine as well as Nanite for all models and foliage and Lumen for global illumination and reflections. Needless to say, the end results look incredible, giving the […]

Unreal Engine 5 Fantasy Ruins Tech Demo Annihilates Performance With Lumen and Nanite at 1080p On an RTX 4080

Some Unreal Engine 5 features, such as Lumen and Nanite, can significantly improve visuals in certain scenarios, but their performance is rather considerable. A new comparison video shared by Cycu1 put the Medieval Fantasy Ruins tech demo by Scans Factory running with Lumen and Nanite and with the standard pipeline side-by-side, highlighting the visual improvements brought by Lumen and Nanite but also their impact on performance. At 1080p resolution, on an RTX 4080, the demo drops from the over 120 FPS of the standard pipeline to the 40, 50 FPS range with Lumen and Nanite at 1080p resolution. This tech […]

Black State is an Impressive-Looking Single Player Third-Person Shooter With Strong Metal Gear Solid Vibes

Turkish developer Motion Blur has announced Black State - an Unreal Engine 5-powered upcoming third-person action adventure that appears to have been inspired by Metal Gear Solid. The new PC title packing strong Metal Gear Solid and Portal vibes was announced by the studio yesterday through an official reveal trailer (courtesy of IGN). We've included the announcement video below alongside some key features of the game. We've also included some impressive-looking screenshots. It has to be said, this pre-alpha footage does look pretty impressive, although it's clear that performance needs to be improved. According to the developer, this new trailer […]

Gorgeous Fallout Unreal Engine 5 Prototype Provides a Glimpse at Future Possibilities

A fan recently created a Fallout Unreal Engine 5 prototype, providing a glimpse at what possibilities the future holds for the popular series by Bethesda. The prototype, which was made by Milwaukee Games, takes advantage of the latest version of the game engine by Epic to recreate the atmosphere the series is known for. The moment the Vault opens, in particular, looks great, as do the open wasteland and the recreation of the iconic Pip-Boy. It has been a while since the release of Fallout 4, so this Fallout Unreal Engine 5 is definitely making us hunger for another proper […]

Beautiful Toy Story Unreal Engine 5 Concept Shows What a Current-Gen Installment Could Look Like

A beautiful new Toy Story Unreal Engine 5 concept video shows what a current-gen Toy Story installment could look like. Created by digital artist 'TeaserPlay', this fan concept video shows a Toy Story imagining within Epic's latest game engine on a modern-day setup. Of course, as with most concept videos from this YouTuber, this is only a teaser video and we likely won't be seeing a modern new Toy Story title anytime soon. Still, there are many fans out there who will likely appreciate this Unreal Engine 5 imagining of Toy Story. Check out the video below and judge for […]

Godot Engine Creator Will Go with Full Path Tracing Instead of a Lumen-Like Hybrid; Nanite-Like System Not Planned

The free cross-platform open-source Godot game-making engine has been around for over ten years now. Created by Argentinian developers Juan Linietsky and Ariel Manzur, it has been used so far by indie developers in games like Deponia, The Case of the Golden Idol, Cassette Beasts, Brotato, and the upcoming Slay the Spire 2. Perhaps the highest-profile game made with Godot was Sonic Colors: Ultimate, developed by Blind Squirrel Games. As with all active engines, Godot is continuously updated by its makers. Last year, they added support for AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.2 and several shader improvements. What's next, though? Well, […]

Turtle WoW 2.0 Server Will Bring Azeroth to Unreal Engine 5 with DLSS and FSR Support

For those unfamiliar with the unofficial World of Warcraft server scene, Turtle WoW is a group of private servers that hosts Mysteries of Azeroth, a fan-made expansion story for World of Warcraft Vanilla that delves deeper into exploring the game's original lore. This expansion aims to take a different path from the Burning Crusade, emphasizing the familiar Azeroth of Vanilla WoW over the cosmic battle with the Burning Legion. Mysteries of Azeroth added a lot to the WoW Vanilla content, including playable races (High Elves for the Alliance and Goblins for the Horde), zones and maps, raids and dungeons, arenas […]

Unreal Engine 5 Full Suite of Features Could Benefit From the PS5 Pro; Impressive Feudal Japan Tech Demo Delivers Great Visuals, but Bad Performance

The Unreal Engine 5 has yet to reach its full potential, but mid-generation refresh hardware like the Playstation 5 Pro could help the engine make the jump in terms of visual quality that many already expected to see. Answering a question from a fan, the tech experts at Digital Foundry highlighted how better console hardware like the rumored Playstation 5 Pro could definitely drive developers to use the full suite of UE5 features, including Lumen and Nanite, delivering higher quality visuals with more stable performance. Even features that are supported by released games could see an improvement. Hellblade II: Senua's […]

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