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Apple Might Launch Its Own Smart Home Camera As It Focuses On Providing A More Integrated Product Experience For Its Users

Apple is increasingly focusing on building its own devices and expanding its ecosystem by taking steps towards a more native experience for users and relying less on third-party accessories. While the Cupertino-based tech giant's HomePod and AppleTV have left quite the mark in the smart home category, it generally relies more on outsourcing cameras and other hardware for smart homes. Now, a new report suggests that the company intends to create a fully integrated experience by developing its own smart home accessories. Gurman hints about Apple working on making smart home products like security cameras for a more integrated experience […]

Best of Black Friday 2024 – power stations and bundles: Anker SOLIX, Bluetti, EcoFlow, Jackery

We’re continuing our Best of Black Friday posts today with a look at the best current deals on power stations and their respective bundle options. Folks across the country and beyond have been steadily investing more and more in the industry for a vari...

World Of Warcraft Is Finally Getting Player Homes After 20 Years

Blizzard has announced that two decades after its release, World of Warcraft is finally going to let players build a home and live in it. The feature has long been requested by WoW players and now it’s finally coming in the game’s next expansion.Read m...

ArenaNet To Release ‘Godspawn’ Update for Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds on November 19, Featuring New 50-Player Titan Battle and More

Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds will receive the Godspawn update, adding a new 50-player boss battle, a new 10-player raid, and a legendary spear. Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds is getting the first major update "Godspawn" on November 19th, expanding the story with new story chapters The MMORPG Guild Wars 2 by ArenaNet is receiving its first major update for the Janthir Wilds expansion soon. It's the first of three major updates, and it'll land on November 19. The update will add new content to the game for the players. The Janthir Wilds expansion DLC was released in August this year, […]

Everything At Capcom’s Summer Showcase

Today Capcom took to the digital stage as part of Geoff Keighley’s big, not-E3 Summer Game Fest 2023 extravaganza. Capcom has been on a bit of a hot streak lately, with hits like the Resident Evil 4 remake, Street Fighter 6, and Monster Hunter Rise. So...

Dragon’s Dogma II Director Promises More Of What Fans Love

Just weeks after its first gameplay reveal during the recent PlayStation Showcase, Capcom showed more of its eagerly anticipated action-RPG sequel Dragon’s Dogma II in today’s Summer Game Fest Capcom Showcase stream, with director Hideaki Itsuno showin...

Pokémon Go’s Routes Attempt To Fix A Contentious Issue, But Is It Enough?

Pokémon Go has been under a lot of scrutiny from the rural community since it launched back in 2016, but things have been especially tense lately. Since developer Niantic rebalanced Remote Raid Passes, a feature that lets you engage with specific mecha...

Don’t Forget About These Two Other Assassin’s Creed Games We Just Saw

While Assassin’s Creed Mirage is set to be a smaller, more focused return to form for the long-running stab-everything franchise, that doesn’t mean the rest of the series is doing the same. And today’s Ubisoft Forward event showed off a bit of what the...

What You’ll Actually Do In Ubisoft’s Impressive Open-World Star Wars

Star Wars Outlaws’ gameplay looks stunning in the new trailer publisher Ubisoft revealed at its Forward showcase event on June 12. A cinematic trailer introduced the open-world game during the Xbox Showcase on June 11, letting players establish a sens...

Popular Minecraft YouTuber Dream Will Cover Face In Videos After Bullying

Months after a long-in-coming face reveal that finally showed his mug to the rest of the world, big-name Minecraft YouTuber Clayton “Dream” Huff has put the mask back on following a seemingly never-ending pile-on of folks making disparaging remarks abo...

Square Enix CEO Calls Out Teachers Who Said He Played Too Many Final Fantasy Games As A Kid

So you’ve just been appointed the very top job of the gaming company you worshiped as a kid. What do you do? Gush? Gloat? Not Takashi Kiryu, the new CEO of Japanese game publisher Square Enix, who took the moment as a chance to—with immaculate politene...

Ubisoft’s Summer Showcase: All The Games And Reveals

Today, June 12, Ubisoft became the latest big game publisher to hop on stage and announce new games as part of Geoff Keighley’s big, not-E3 Summer Game Fest 2023 extravaganza. In the last year or so, Ubisoft has struggled to consistently release games...

The Next Big Assassin’s Creed Gets 7 Minutes Of Stabby Gameplay

Hey, so, it’s been three years since a new Assassin’s Creed game launched. Can you believe it? Well, the wait for a new entry is almost over. On October 12, the assassination sim returns with Assassin’s Creed Mirage, featuring Valhalla’s Basim Ibn Isha...

2D Prince of Persia Gets Slick Trailer After Character Design Backlash

Ubisoft’s livestream for the Summer Game Fest bonanza revealed an absolute ton of in-game footage from the new 2D Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. It also gave us even more time to love the new Prince design for the game that has somehow managed to ca...

2D Prince of Persia Gets Slick Trailer After Character Design Backlash

Ubisoft’s livestream for the Summer Game Fest bonanza revealed an absolute ton of in-game footage from the new 2D Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. It also gave us even more time to love the new Prince design for the game that has somehow managed to ca...

Ubisoft’s Lush Avatar Game Finally Shows Off Its Open-World Gameplay

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora might have missed launching alongside James Cameron’s The Way of Water last December, but now we finally know more about what you’ll do in the game. During Monday’s Ubisoft Forward presentation, the publisher showed what fa...

Tag: videogames

Vampire Survivors draws tons of inspiration from Castlevania, so it is no surprise that the new Ode To Castlevania DLC is fantastic. I’m here to guide you through unlocking each Hero and evolving each weapon, because that’s how you’ll end up accessing ...
I started playing Overwatch in 2019. By the time I was pushing payloads and getting Play of the Game with a well-placed Tactical Visor, a lot of the old hero kits and team compositions that were infamous when the hero shooter launched in 2016 were more...

Everything At Capcom’s Summer Showcase

Today Capcom took to the digital stage as part of Geoff Keighley’s big, not-E3 Summer Game Fest 2023 extravaganza. Capcom has been on a bit of a hot streak lately, with hits like the Resident Evil 4 remake, Street Fighter 6, and Monster Hunter Rise. So...

Dragon’s Dogma II Director Promises More Of What Fans Love

Just weeks after its first gameplay reveal during the recent PlayStation Showcase, Capcom showed more of its eagerly anticipated action-RPG sequel Dragon’s Dogma II in today’s Summer Game Fest Capcom Showcase stream, with director Hideaki Itsuno showin...

Pokémon Go’s Routes Attempt To Fix A Contentious Issue, But Is It Enough?

Pokémon Go has been under a lot of scrutiny from the rural community since it launched back in 2016, but things have been especially tense lately. Since developer Niantic rebalanced Remote Raid Passes, a feature that lets you engage with specific mecha...

Don’t Forget About These Two Other Assassin’s Creed Games We Just Saw

While Assassin’s Creed Mirage is set to be a smaller, more focused return to form for the long-running stab-everything franchise, that doesn’t mean the rest of the series is doing the same. And today’s Ubisoft Forward event showed off a bit of what the...

What You’ll Actually Do In Ubisoft’s Impressive Open-World Star Wars

Star Wars Outlaws’ gameplay looks stunning in the new trailer publisher Ubisoft revealed at its Forward showcase event on June 12. A cinematic trailer introduced the open-world game during the Xbox Showcase on June 11, letting players establish a sens...

Popular Minecraft YouTuber Dream Will Cover Face In Videos After Bullying

Months after a long-in-coming face reveal that finally showed his mug to the rest of the world, big-name Minecraft YouTuber Clayton “Dream” Huff has put the mask back on following a seemingly never-ending pile-on of folks making disparaging remarks abo...

Square Enix CEO Calls Out Teachers Who Said He Played Too Many Final Fantasy Games As A Kid

So you’ve just been appointed the very top job of the gaming company you worshiped as a kid. What do you do? Gush? Gloat? Not Takashi Kiryu, the new CEO of Japanese game publisher Square Enix, who took the moment as a chance to—with immaculate politene...

Ubisoft’s Summer Showcase: All The Games And Reveals

Today, June 12, Ubisoft became the latest big game publisher to hop on stage and announce new games as part of Geoff Keighley’s big, not-E3 Summer Game Fest 2023 extravaganza. In the last year or so, Ubisoft has struggled to consistently release games...

The Next Big Assassin’s Creed Gets 7 Minutes Of Stabby Gameplay

Hey, so, it’s been three years since a new Assassin’s Creed game launched. Can you believe it? Well, the wait for a new entry is almost over. On October 12, the assassination sim returns with Assassin’s Creed Mirage, featuring Valhalla’s Basim Ibn Isha...

2D Prince of Persia Gets Slick Trailer After Character Design Backlash

Ubisoft’s livestream for the Summer Game Fest bonanza revealed an absolute ton of in-game footage from the new 2D Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. It also gave us even more time to love the new Prince design for the game that has somehow managed to ca...

2D Prince of Persia Gets Slick Trailer After Character Design Backlash

Ubisoft’s livestream for the Summer Game Fest bonanza revealed an absolute ton of in-game footage from the new 2D Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. It also gave us even more time to love the new Prince design for the game that has somehow managed to ca...

Ubisoft’s Lush Avatar Game Finally Shows Off Its Open-World Gameplay

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora might have missed launching alongside James Cameron’s The Way of Water last December, but now we finally know more about what you’ll do in the game. During Monday’s Ubisoft Forward presentation, the publisher showed what fa...

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