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Apple Might Launch Its Own Smart Home Camera As It Focuses On Providing A More Integrated Product Experience For Its Users

Apple is increasingly focusing on building its own devices and expanding its ecosystem by taking steps towards a more native experience for users and relying less on third-party accessories. While the Cupertino-based tech giant's HomePod and AppleTV have left quite the mark in the smart home category, it generally relies more on outsourcing cameras and other hardware for smart homes. Now, a new report suggests that the company intends to create a fully integrated experience by developing its own smart home accessories. Gurman hints about Apple working on making smart home products like security cameras for a more integrated experience […]

Best of Black Friday 2024 – power stations and bundles: Anker SOLIX, Bluetti, EcoFlow, Jackery

We’re continuing our Best of Black Friday posts today with a look at the best current deals on power stations and their respective bundle options. Folks across the country and beyond have been steadily investing more and more in the industry for a vari...

World Of Warcraft Is Finally Getting Player Homes After 20 Years

Blizzard has announced that two decades after its release, World of Warcraft is finally going to let players build a home and live in it. The feature has long been requested by WoW players and now it’s finally coming in the game’s next expansion.Read m...

ArenaNet To Release ‘Godspawn’ Update for Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds on November 19, Featuring New 50-Player Titan Battle and More

Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds will receive the Godspawn update, adding a new 50-player boss battle, a new 10-player raid, and a legendary spear. Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds is getting the first major update "Godspawn" on November 19th, expanding the story with new story chapters The MMORPG Guild Wars 2 by ArenaNet is receiving its first major update for the Janthir Wilds expansion soon. It's the first of three major updates, and it'll land on November 19. The update will add new content to the game for the players. The Janthir Wilds expansion DLC was released in August this year, […]

Apple’s MetalFX Upscaling Comparison At 1080p Running Resident Evil 4 Remake Shows Reduced Image Quality, But Framerate Gets Up To 44 Percent Performance Bump

To push framerate in games on low and high-end machines, Apple introduced its upscaler called MetalFX to rival NVIDIA’s and AMD’s solutions. We expect this technology to improve in the future when more games arrive for various compatible devices, but the latest comparison involving Capcom’s Resident Evil 4 Remake shows that there is a ton of work to be done as far as improving visual quality. Biggest visual quality downgrade can be seen in the protagonist’s hair, but it is possible that higher resolution alleviates this issue Playing on the 1080p resolution, the YouTube channel MrMacRightPlus got his hands on […]

Google’s Android 15 QPR2 Beta Release Brings A Major Kernel Version Upgrade For All Tensor-Powered Pixel Devices

When it comes to any operating system, the kernel plays the most crucial role as it ensures smooth operations and acts as the intermediary channel between the software and the hardware. Google recently rolled out Android 15 QPR2 Beta 1 for the Pixel devices, which brings some noteworthy features and updates. However, the upgrade to Linux kernel 6.1 for all Tensor-powered Pixel devices is of great significance due to the massive performance improvements it will bring. It also reflects the company's commitment to enhance user experience. Google with the Android 15 QPR2 beta 1 roll-out has brought forth a major […]

Global Smartphone Chipset Market Share Data For Q3 2024 Saw MediaTek Ship The Highest Number, Huawei Saw The Biggest Growth; Apple Generated The Most...

The latest global smartphone chipset market share figures for the third quarter of 2024 have been shared by research firm Canalys, showing various vendors performing well in certain areas while being overtaken by their competitors in others. When it comes to the total number of chipset shipments for this particular quarter, MediaTek had no close rival by a long shot, but garnering the most number does not necessarily mean generating the most revenue, as that accolade now belongs to Apple. However, when it comes to meteoric growth, no company performed as well as Huawei’s HiSilicon division. Let us take a […]

Apple’s New Mac mini Power Supply PCB Has Cutouts To House Components And Reduce The Height; A Costly Approach, But Necessary To Reduce The...

It is astonishing how Apple employed a truckload of techniques to reduce the footprint of its redesigned Mac mini, and the company never bothered to talk in-depth on how it achieved this feat. Then again, the Cupertino giant did not need to, not when curious YouTubers got a hand on these units and performed the disassembly. One of them noticed that the power supply unit’s PCB has separate cutouts so that the components can pass through those openings instead of being soldered on the top, which helps save space, but it is also an expensive process. The exact figure not […]

Monster Hunter Outlanders Is TiMi Studio’s Mobile Take on CAPCOM’s Popular Franchise

Tencent's TiMi Studio has finally pulled the veil from Monster Hunter Outlanders, the mobile game based on CAPCOM's franchise that was first announced two years ago. Interestingly, the press release describes the game as an open world survival title. Players will explore and survive throughout unique regions of an open world map featuring natural environments, ecosystems and monsters. They'll get to craft and build custom equipment and tools and participate in the traditional hunting experience, where they can play solo or join a hunting party of up to four people. TiMi Studio Group Producer Dong Huang said in a statement: […]

We Finally Have A Release Date For iOS 18.2 Update For The iPhone

iOS 18.2 will be a major update, bringing long-rumored features to the iPhone, including ChatGPT integration with Siri. While the exact release date of the update was unknown up to this point, it is now discovered that it could arrive on December 9 for all compatible iPhone models. iOS 18.2 update will ChatGPT integration and more features will release on December 9, according to British carrier According to the recent notice shared to its customers by the British carrier EE, "Wi-Fi calling on other supported iCloud-connected devices" will be discontinued on the iPhone on December 9 (via MacRumors). If you […]

iFixit Awards Redesigned M4 Mac mini A Repairability Score Of 7 Out Of 10, Citing Modularity And Easy-To-Replace Components In Teardown

Apple launched the new M4 Mac mini with a complete redesign a few weeks ago, and we now have one of the first teardowns of the machine, showcasing what changes the company has implemented on the inside. iFixit is known for its in-depth teardown of Apple and products from other companies and provides how well it is designed for repairability. Apple has greatly reduced the size and overall footprint of the M4 Mac mini, so it will be interesting to see how the teardown goes. iFixit gives a 7 out of 10 repairability score to the redesigned M4 Mac mini […]

Leaked Screenshots Suggest That Google Might Launch Gemini 2.0 Closer To OpenAI’s Upcoming o1 Model Release Window

AI seems to be all over the news, and the tech community is aggressively focusing on initiatives on the artificial intelligence front and working on ways to keep evolving the technology. OpenAI has recently shared its plans for an o1 model that is centered on bringing logical reasoning and problem-solving capabilities. Google would not be left behind, as we have now leaked screenshots hinting at the tech giant gearing up to launch its Gemini 2.0. Leaked screenshots suggest Google Gemini 2.0 might be around the corner The tech community is hooked on OpenAI's next big AI model, o1, as it […]

iPhone SE 4’s Release Time Frame Hinted By Apple Supplier, As Mass Production Of Front Camera Module Is Set To Begin Next Month

Apple's iPhone SE 4 is shaping up to be a decent device compared to the latest flagships, based on prior reports from various sources. The company aims to sell the device for a price tag set below $500, which will not only be an amazing feat for the company but a great deal for users who still want the best from the company but at a price that is lower than all budget smartphones in the competition. It is now reported that LG Innotek will start producing camera modules for the iPhone SE 4 next month, hinting at an early […]

OpenAI’s New Orion Model Offers Only Incremental Improvements Over GPT-4, Despite Claims Of Groundbreaking Advancement

When it comes to bringing forward new AI models and upgrading them, tech companies are not slowing down any time soon and keep on working and evolving their technologies. It has not been long since OpenAI announced its plans to bring an advanced version of GPT-4 known as the Orion model. While the expectations have been set by the company of this being yet another groundbreaking leap in language model development, new reports are surfacing claiming otherwise and giving a heads up on the performance barely outdoing its predecessor, raising the question of whether the AI field, in fact, is […]

Apple Plans To Deepen Its Roots In The Smart Home Industry With A New Camera With Apple Intelligence, And New AirPods With More Health...

Apple plans to step into the smart home category with its forthcoming products, and while the company still has a platform that handles all 'Home' devices, it lacks a dedicated hub. With that in mind, the company is rumored to be working on a hybrid of the HomePod and an iPad. Other than a central hub for accessories, Apple is also working on new AirPods with additional health-related features. Apple is working on a smart camera with Apple Intelligence and new AirPods with additional health features When we broaden our perspective, we can clearly see that the company aims to […]

New for Mobile Gamers: AUKEY MagFusion GameFrost Cooling Wireless Charger – Available Now

November 12, 2024 - Leading charger brand AUKEY today announces the availability of its MagFusion GameFrost Magnetic Active Cooling Wireless Charger in the United States. The Qi2-certified charger features AUKEY’s proprietary Omnia-Frez active cooling technology, delivering fast 15W wireless charging for iPhone 12 and later models running on iOS 17.2 and above while maintaining low temperatures even during intense gaming sessions. In short, the MagFusion GameFrost is a must-have for mobile gamers seeking the ultimate gaming experience. The MagFusion GameFrost, part of AUKEY's MagFusion Pro Qi2 wireless charger series, was showcased at IFA Berlin 2024, garnering considerable attention. The series […]

Tag: Mobile

Vampire Survivors draws tons of inspiration from Castlevania, so it is no surprise that the new Ode To Castlevania DLC is fantastic. I’m here to guide you through unlocking each Hero and evolving each weapon, because that’s how you’ll end up accessing ...
I started playing Overwatch in 2019. By the time I was pushing payloads and getting Play of the Game with a well-placed Tactical Visor, a lot of the old hero kits and team compositions that were infamous when the hero shooter launched in 2016 were more...

Apple’s MetalFX Upscaling Comparison At 1080p Running Resident Evil 4 Remake Shows Reduced Image Quality, But Framerate Gets Up To 44 Percent Performance Bump

To push framerate in games on low and high-end machines, Apple introduced its upscaler called MetalFX to rival NVIDIA’s and AMD’s solutions. We expect this technology to improve in the future when more games arrive for various compatible devices, but the latest comparison involving Capcom’s Resident Evil 4 Remake shows that there is a ton of work to be done as far as improving visual quality. Biggest visual quality downgrade can be seen in the protagonist’s hair, but it is possible that higher resolution alleviates this issue Playing on the 1080p resolution, the YouTube channel MrMacRightPlus got his hands on […]

Google’s Android 15 QPR2 Beta Release Brings A Major Kernel Version Upgrade For All Tensor-Powered Pixel Devices

When it comes to any operating system, the kernel plays the most crucial role as it ensures smooth operations and acts as the intermediary channel between the software and the hardware. Google recently rolled out Android 15 QPR2 Beta 1 for the Pixel devices, which brings some noteworthy features and updates. However, the upgrade to Linux kernel 6.1 for all Tensor-powered Pixel devices is of great significance due to the massive performance improvements it will bring. It also reflects the company's commitment to enhance user experience. Google with the Android 15 QPR2 beta 1 roll-out has brought forth a major […]

Global Smartphone Chipset Market Share Data For Q3 2024 Saw MediaTek Ship The Highest Number, Huawei Saw The Biggest Growth; Apple Generated The Most...

The latest global smartphone chipset market share figures for the third quarter of 2024 have been shared by research firm Canalys, showing various vendors performing well in certain areas while being overtaken by their competitors in others. When it comes to the total number of chipset shipments for this particular quarter, MediaTek had no close rival by a long shot, but garnering the most number does not necessarily mean generating the most revenue, as that accolade now belongs to Apple. However, when it comes to meteoric growth, no company performed as well as Huawei’s HiSilicon division. Let us take a […]

Apple’s New Mac mini Power Supply PCB Has Cutouts To House Components And Reduce The Height; A Costly Approach, But Necessary To Reduce The...

It is astonishing how Apple employed a truckload of techniques to reduce the footprint of its redesigned Mac mini, and the company never bothered to talk in-depth on how it achieved this feat. Then again, the Cupertino giant did not need to, not when curious YouTubers got a hand on these units and performed the disassembly. One of them noticed that the power supply unit’s PCB has separate cutouts so that the components can pass through those openings instead of being soldered on the top, which helps save space, but it is also an expensive process. The exact figure not […]

Monster Hunter Outlanders Is TiMi Studio’s Mobile Take on CAPCOM’s Popular Franchise

Tencent's TiMi Studio has finally pulled the veil from Monster Hunter Outlanders, the mobile game based on CAPCOM's franchise that was first announced two years ago. Interestingly, the press release describes the game as an open world survival title. Players will explore and survive throughout unique regions of an open world map featuring natural environments, ecosystems and monsters. They'll get to craft and build custom equipment and tools and participate in the traditional hunting experience, where they can play solo or join a hunting party of up to four people. TiMi Studio Group Producer Dong Huang said in a statement: […]

We Finally Have A Release Date For iOS 18.2 Update For The iPhone

iOS 18.2 will be a major update, bringing long-rumored features to the iPhone, including ChatGPT integration with Siri. While the exact release date of the update was unknown up to this point, it is now discovered that it could arrive on December 9 for all compatible iPhone models. iOS 18.2 update will ChatGPT integration and more features will release on December 9, according to British carrier According to the recent notice shared to its customers by the British carrier EE, "Wi-Fi calling on other supported iCloud-connected devices" will be discontinued on the iPhone on December 9 (via MacRumors). If you […]

iFixit Awards Redesigned M4 Mac mini A Repairability Score Of 7 Out Of 10, Citing Modularity And Easy-To-Replace Components In Teardown

Apple launched the new M4 Mac mini with a complete redesign a few weeks ago, and we now have one of the first teardowns of the machine, showcasing what changes the company has implemented on the inside. iFixit is known for its in-depth teardown of Apple and products from other companies and provides how well it is designed for repairability. Apple has greatly reduced the size and overall footprint of the M4 Mac mini, so it will be interesting to see how the teardown goes. iFixit gives a 7 out of 10 repairability score to the redesigned M4 Mac mini […]

Leaked Screenshots Suggest That Google Might Launch Gemini 2.0 Closer To OpenAI’s Upcoming o1 Model Release Window

AI seems to be all over the news, and the tech community is aggressively focusing on initiatives on the artificial intelligence front and working on ways to keep evolving the technology. OpenAI has recently shared its plans for an o1 model that is centered on bringing logical reasoning and problem-solving capabilities. Google would not be left behind, as we have now leaked screenshots hinting at the tech giant gearing up to launch its Gemini 2.0. Leaked screenshots suggest Google Gemini 2.0 might be around the corner The tech community is hooked on OpenAI's next big AI model, o1, as it […]

iPhone SE 4’s Release Time Frame Hinted By Apple Supplier, As Mass Production Of Front Camera Module Is Set To Begin Next Month

Apple's iPhone SE 4 is shaping up to be a decent device compared to the latest flagships, based on prior reports from various sources. The company aims to sell the device for a price tag set below $500, which will not only be an amazing feat for the company but a great deal for users who still want the best from the company but at a price that is lower than all budget smartphones in the competition. It is now reported that LG Innotek will start producing camera modules for the iPhone SE 4 next month, hinting at an early […]

OpenAI’s New Orion Model Offers Only Incremental Improvements Over GPT-4, Despite Claims Of Groundbreaking Advancement

When it comes to bringing forward new AI models and upgrading them, tech companies are not slowing down any time soon and keep on working and evolving their technologies. It has not been long since OpenAI announced its plans to bring an advanced version of GPT-4 known as the Orion model. While the expectations have been set by the company of this being yet another groundbreaking leap in language model development, new reports are surfacing claiming otherwise and giving a heads up on the performance barely outdoing its predecessor, raising the question of whether the AI field, in fact, is […]

Apple Plans To Deepen Its Roots In The Smart Home Industry With A New Camera With Apple Intelligence, And New AirPods With More Health...

Apple plans to step into the smart home category with its forthcoming products, and while the company still has a platform that handles all 'Home' devices, it lacks a dedicated hub. With that in mind, the company is rumored to be working on a hybrid of the HomePod and an iPad. Other than a central hub for accessories, Apple is also working on new AirPods with additional health-related features. Apple is working on a smart camera with Apple Intelligence and new AirPods with additional health features When we broaden our perspective, we can clearly see that the company aims to […]

New for Mobile Gamers: AUKEY MagFusion GameFrost Cooling Wireless Charger – Available Now

November 12, 2024 - Leading charger brand AUKEY today announces the availability of its MagFusion GameFrost Magnetic Active Cooling Wireless Charger in the United States. The Qi2-certified charger features AUKEY’s proprietary Omnia-Frez active cooling technology, delivering fast 15W wireless charging for iPhone 12 and later models running on iOS 17.2 and above while maintaining low temperatures even during intense gaming sessions. In short, the MagFusion GameFrost is a must-have for mobile gamers seeking the ultimate gaming experience. The MagFusion GameFrost, part of AUKEY's MagFusion Pro Qi2 wireless charger series, was showcased at IFA Berlin 2024, garnering considerable attention. The series […]

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